Tag Archives: funfetti

Day 16 Of 30 In 30


Day 16. Funfetti, 8 x 8 Watercolor on Mineral paper. © 2016 Sheila Delgado.

Day 16. Funfetti, 8 x 8 Watercolor on Mineral paper. © 2016 Sheila Delgado.

Paint. Let it dry.
Splatter paint. Splatter clear water. Let it dry.
Splatter more paint. Let it dry. Splatter more water.
Let it dry. Scan.
Define the flowers and stems. Add more color to the vase.
Let it dry.  Scan.
Splatter paint. Splatter clear water. Almost ruin the flowers.
Let it dry.
Define the flowers and stems. Again.
Debate about posting. Post it anyway.

Too messy. But I kinda like it.


My Pinterest board for this challenge
is over 900 strong!

Visit Leslie’s site, where all the daily art is posted,
and see her cool abstract art as well. 




