Do you remember that song? Or the movie it is from? A play on words. Made me laugh. I know, I know. I’m a geek. I recently watched The Movies that Made Us and it was in my head.
This design was recently posted on They Draw dot com. Scroll down on the first page to see it featured with the new designs. WOW! The artists are so amazing. The recipes always make me hungry. Haha. Or go to the design page and leave me some ❤️ and let me know your favorite way to enjoy limes. Thank you. 🥰
This design is available in fabrics, on pillows and finished textiles in my Spoonflower shop. You can also find it on mugs, bags, towels and more at Society6. I really love the Backpack. (click any image for a better view.)
Mug, Sheila Delgado on Society6 Backpack, Sheila Delgado on Society6 Water bottle, Sheila Delgado on Society6