Mountains, revision. 6 x 6 acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado
This view is pure imagination. Still, taking a cue from Mingus, I added some horizontal marks to the dark range. I hoped to add some definition to the front range as well. I don’t know if I was successful with that. Does it look like “hills”, or just one hill? I will look again tomorrow, and see if it feels better to me.
I used the palette knife, and my fingers to apply the paint. Here is another look at the before:

Mountains. 6 x 6 acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado
Day trip to Phoenix revealed these treasures along the way. I think I shared something like this first photo during September’s painting challenge.

Freeway art in Scottsdale, AZ.
I also found a new cactus to love. The totem pole cactus is thorn free! How cool is that?

Totem Pole Cactus.