Day 11 woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It started off as a mishmash I thought was better in the trash. The background was three different colors, applied with a palette knife. Pure yuck. I painted the flowers next, with the influence of Bob Burridge. I failed miserably. I do not have a focal point in the bouquet. The arrangement is to blah.
I cut the vase out of a Shubert sheet of music. That was exciting. Should have been. But the acrylic that was meant to tint it, wound up covering most of it up. I decided to use watercolor over that. Dumb idea. It just puddled on the acrylic. It took painting over and over, using very thick watercolor. As it was drying, I took a tissue and blotted most of it off. Left a nice texture. In person, you can see more of the music notes.
I was still looking at an ugly background. I picked a color, and just covered it all up. Nice and clean. And not ugly. But man, was it plain. So I grabbed a texture sheet and added some ugly grey I had mixed. Hideous Grey. But it is a nice neutral here. Ha ha ha.
I will come back and rework this. Fix the lackluster flowers. And I will redo the line textures. I think the one to the right of the vase comes too far in from the edge. And I think two would have been enough. Maybe opposite corners, but not along the bottom.
Thoughts that I will continue to consider. This weekend I may have time to rework it.