Day 6 Fancy Flowers. 8 x 8 Mixed media on paper. © 2016 Sheila Delgado
Again I am telling myself that it is the work that counts. There were many revisions on this, and I can see a few more changes I would like to make. But it is the end of a busy day, and tomorrow will be as well. I called it – it’s done.
I don’t know why I so often end up with bouquets that are square. What’s up with that? I started with loose flower shapes in watercolor. I added a soft blue, green and a creamy yellow acrylic to the background using a palette knife. Trying for an aged stone effect but it didn’t gel. So I covered most of that up with a soft white acrylic. THAT didn’t work either. Burnt orange watercolor to the rescue. A little better.
The vase was a soft blue, meant to look like glass filled with water. Laugh out loud. Covered that up right quick.
A for effort maybe. D for color and composition. A for having the huevos to post it for the world to see.
My Pinterest board for this challenge is inspirational!
Visit Leslie’s site, where all the daily art is posted.
Happy Painting Wednesday!