Tag Archives: #digitalcollage

30 Days Of Art Collage

30 Day Collage, February 2023. Watercolor, acrylic & digital collage. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

Once again, my plans were quickly left at the gate. The work led me down a path less traveled. I had decided to do collage for the gathering. I thought to make painted papers, and work on florals and landscapes.

I used the Photoshop pen tool on day one. To outline the bloom. By day three, I was hooked. There are only two pieces, that did not lean heavily on the pen tool. Day 2 and day 16.

Here is a video that will show you how to work with the Pen Tool. Of course, I am using it for a completely different outcome. (There I go using tools the wrong way again.)😄 I have started the video a few minutes in, and you only need to look at about a minute, to get a good idea. I wish I had found this particular video before. His explanations are so easy for me to understand. I learned by trial and error. Lots of errors.

This was my learning for the month. Each day I felt more and more comfortable with the tool. By the final week, my pieces were almost completely digitally rendered. 80-90%. I dared to take on more complex subjects.

I have avoided the pen tool for years. Trying to grasp it now and then, but soon giving in to frustration. It is slightly mathematical in nature. And you know, an artist’s brain does not work that way.

Favorites, February 2023. Watercolor, acrylic & digital collage. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

I had fun playing with color, patterns and mood. I am happy with each piece. But, as always, I can see some that I would like to improve, having learned so much since then.

I managed to continue with my fabrics for the weekly Spoonflower challenge, for half of the month. I was behind for several days mid month, and I knew that working on a fabric design would sink me even further. I do plan on creating two designs, so that I can catch up on the weeks I missed. It is another challenge for my brain.

Thanks so much for following along with me this month. Your encouragement and support mean the world to me. I am so grateful for you, friends. My people. The ones who understand my art obsession. What it means to me, my soul, and my life.

Tomorrow I will post the Creative Gathering artists gallery. We have new members and I know you will love their work as much as I do. See you soon!

How do you make a round circle with a square knife?
That’s your challenge for the day.
Bob Ross

Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely.
Light and colour, peace and hope,
will keep them company to the end of the day.
Winston Churchill.

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The February 2023 30-Day Creative Gathering, Final Weeks

Day 26, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Day 26, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

I lost track, thought I had posted last week. You can click on the images to see them larger, in a slideshow view. I am showing these out of order. I will post the collage, and my favorites collage soon. It was a fun month, and I learned quite a bit.

Day 30, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Day 30, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Day 25, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Day 25, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

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Days 13 – 19 Of The 30-Day Gathering

Day 13, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, acrylics, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Day 13, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, acrylics, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

We’ve rounded the last corner. Heading down the home stretch now.

In art, what we want is the certainty
that one spark of original genius shall not be extinguished.
Mary Cassatt

Creativity is more than just being different.
Anybody can plan weird; that’s easy.
What’s hard is to be as simple as Bach.
Making the simple, awesomely simple,
that’s creativity.
Charles Mingus

Day 18, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Day 18, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

Creative work is a gift to the world and every being in it.
Don’t cheat us of your contribution.
Give us what you’ve got.
Steven Pressfield

Day 19, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Day 19, CG FEB 23. 6 x 6 inch. Watercolor, & digital. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.
Earl Nightingale