I paint flowers so they will not die.
Frida Kahlo

What keeps my heart awake is colourful silence.
Claude Monet

Artists are just children who refuse to put down their crayons.
Al Hirschfeld

Over in the blink of an eye. The Gathering. The month. The year. Only a few more days. And I still have so many ideas. Well, that is a cool problem to have. Haha.
A few more days, and it will be October. That is the beginning, of the end of the year. You know what I mean. Holidays, so much to do. There are several paintings from this month, that I feel are still works in progress. Minor tweaks or additions. If I am honest with myself, I probably won’t get back to them until next year. And by then, I might forget what it is I thought was wrong. Haha.
Have a great week everyone!