I am happy with today’s painting. Finally. The majority is completely overworked. Experiments gone awry. But I think I have salvaged it. I intended for the background and foreground to be lighter. Much like yesterday’s.
I guess that will teach me to work backwards. I most often begin with the flowers. The shapes. And then the container. The foreground and finally the background. Don’t know why I worked differently this time.
Here is a peek at part of the process. The foreground was looking sort of “pillow” or cloud like. Not what I wanted. Blooms gone bad.
In the background, you can see that the section on top was much too dark. So I wet a paper towel, and blotted out some of the color. Truth be told, some other areas were also too dark and I did the same with those.
To get those darker areas, I spread some paint on a piece of plastic wrap, and then placed it on the paper. I like the odd, angular shapes created.
I had completely flubbed the shadows on the vase. To fix it I just went back in and darkened the entire section. After I scanned it, I saw that there were some shapes that could work as a suggestion of shadow. So I went in again, and darkened them just a bit. I think it works now.
I am going to call this done for today. But I had intended on adding pencil lines to define the flowers and vase.
Have you been by Corinna Woodard’s blog? She has been doing wonderful felting art this month. Hearts and flowers, abstracts. Take a look! I was fortunate to be the recipient of her giveaway. How cool is that! Thank you Corinna!
My Pinterest board is over 1400 fabulous works of art!
Visit Leslie’s 30 in 30 blog, and see the art created today!