Bloom. 6 x 6 Mixed media. © 2015 Sheila Delgado
I started this with acrylic on watercolor paper. I dripped a bit of blue acrylic, and then added watercolor washes in shades of orange, red and purple. I thought for a second about starting over, because the red dried in a straight line. But I decided to leave it. This only took a few minutes in the end, and I think it is the first really “loose” piece I have done. I could be wrong. But I am patting myself on the back for resisting the urge to “fix” it.

Bloom, Final. 6 x 6 Mixed media. © 2015 Sheila Delgado
Pinterest Captions
I have noticed that many of us are not using Pinterest pin captions to our best advantage. Maybe it is something you are not really thinking about. But you should be.
I thought I was doing OK with this myself, but if you take a look at my Pinterest Blog Board, you will see I have some major work to do. Oi vey!
Oops, well I guess you will have to watch the video first to see how to do it correctly.
Next take a look at my pinterest board for Leslie’s challenge event. Look closely at the image descriptions. (I am a couple of days behind.)
Can you see the problem? Do the captions answer:
- Who?
- What?
- When?
- Where?
- Why?
- And How?
What does IMG_0000_new tell me about the artist, or the artwork? I am not trying to shame anyone. It’s just that in pinning so many each day, it has become very clear to me. Some of us could really use some help. And I am one of the “us”.
My first inclination, is to add the captions myself, but that just isn’t possible.
I did some searching, and I found a few articles that I think will really help. I know you probably don’t have time to read them this month, but you can bookmark them or print them out. The first one includes a short video that is easy to understand. I promise.
Jessica at Chaos & Love – Thank You! I know you can spare two minutes to watch her video and make your blog and boards better!
For those of you using WordPress, here is some information on using your image settings. Note that the caption box for your wordpress image, is not the “caption” for Pinterest. For those of you on other platforms, I am sure it is much the same.
This post by Nicole at Curio Electro is to the point. She breaks it down really well.
I hope those help, maybe you can let me know in the comments. I still have a TON to learn about blogging and SEO, and social media. If you have anything to add I would love to hear from you! And I am sure others will appreciate it as well!
Treat yourself, visit Leslie’s site for a look at the artwork created today.
Also hop on over to Sea Dean’s blog and vote, each vote is a chance to win prizes!
Over 400 amazing pieces of art so far, on my Pinterest board for this event.
STILL need an art fix?
Visit Cindy Williams and read one of her artist interviews!