Tag Archives: #creativegatheringgroupgallery

The Creative Gathering, February 2025 Group Gallery

February proved that creativity reigns. This month’s gathering was plagued with technical issues. Facebook decide not to work equally, for everyone. Some were able to comment. Others were not. This had a huge impact on the group mood & momentum. Conversations are a huge part of the reason for gathering!

Still, we were able to produce over 500 works of art. High five to all! That is up over our September 2024 total of 457.

I call that a triumph of spirit. Congratulations on persevering!

Click on the image below to see the gallery.
It runs under four minutes.
These are low resolution images, so there may be some slight pixelation or blur.
This serves to protect your fabulous work from being copied.
Enjoy the video!

You did it.
With flare & determination.
Showing generosity to others, and grace to yourself.

The Gathering would be nothing,
without your talent and enthusiasm!

I’m so grateful to share this time with you!

Wishing you JOY & boundless creating!