Tag Archives: clouds

30 Days of Art – A look Back



Jan 30 in 30 5 x 5


I am so glad I participated again this year in Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. It is quite a learning experience. I think the hardest part for me, is writing each day about what I have created.

I know I very often tell you I am not happy with the daily painting. (Lord please tell me I did not complain every day!) Seeing the paintings here, I am really very happy with them all. I know I struggled with wanting to spend more time on each piece. I wanted to create more along the lines of “Fine Art” and less, well less like the level that I am actually at.

I can see a huge improvement in my work, and that is AWESOME! I did not explore Pastels, or work in acrylics or collage as I had hoped. But I did work on Arches paper, as well as start to get familiar with YUPO. In that respect I did stretch out of my comfort zone.

I love the act of painting daily. I love discovering artists, and seeing their work every day. The absolute best part of the challenge for me, is making new friends. There are so many super talented artists taking part in the challenge. The beauty and diversity of what you create… it is a gift! You really are amazing!


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A heartfelt thank you to everyone who visits my blog.
And thank you for taking the time to comment.
Your kind words are icing on the cake!


I will be catching up on visiting artists sites in the next few days. So bummed I am behind – what treasures I am missing!!!

Oh hey, good news here. I received my complimentary copy of Patty Digh’s new book, with my artwork inside. I will share it with you tomorrow!

Thanks again everyone, happy creating to you!

God Bless!







Clouds – Day 13 of 30 in 30

Clouds. 4 x 6 watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper. © 2014 Sheila Delgado

Clouds. 4 x 6 watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper. © 2014 Sheila Delgado


I am so enjoying my Arches paper. I can scrub, and rework and basically erase mistakes. Some of the smaller clouds in this I created by going back in with a damp brush, scrubbing out some of the color. In fact, I had the two large clouds ending at about the same point. I went back and extended the top cloud further into the center.

On its own, this sky-scape my not work as well as the previous two. But I think I finally got the foreground right. And when you see the three together, it makes more sense to have a lot of blue sky in this one.

I would love to hear your opinion. Did I create a sense of distance? I did not use a photo for reference, just my imagination. And memories of the view on various road trips through the desert.

I tried to scan the block with all three of these together, but it is just a tad bigger than my scanner bed. Some of the edge was cut off. I wanted to show this view, because I like how the white space between the pieces came out looking like dirt roads. Don’t ya’ think? I am tempted to go back and erase the seams and join them all together as one landscape. Or maybe just fix the foreground in the first painting.

Scan of  Days 11, 12 and 13

Scan of Days 11, 12 and 13

Below is a view with spacers between each panel.

Clouds Triptych

Clouds Triptych

I won’t use these for the postcard exchange. I think postcards should be more graphic.  I finally had a chance tonight to catch up on viewing the art being created in Leslie’s Challenge. Oh my, really great artists are taking part. It is so much fun to me to look at art. I wish I could win the lotto and buy a piece of art from each participant!

Hope your week is off to a great start! Don’t forget to look up and take notice of the sky and all its glory!



Clouds – Day 12 30 in 30

Clouds. 4 x 6 Postcard. Watercolor on 140 lb. Arches Cold pressed paper. © 2014 Sheila Delgado

Clouds. 4 x 6 Postcard. Watercolor on 140 lb. Arches Cold pressed paper. © 2014 Sheila Delgado

One more of these for tomorrow. I am not quite happy with this painting, I think yesterdays was much better. I am going to try again, and then I will have a triptych!

Sea giftI received a fabulous gift from Sea Dean. My prize for receiving the most votes in her Art Party. Five of her wonderful postcards. Flowers, a sleeping cat, and a glorious landscape!  All so lovely! Thank You Sea!

The mail woman has been very good to me this week. I received a birthday book from good friends, and two wonderful handmade cards. My friend Pauline who lives in the U.K. sent me this wonderful little gift along with her card. I call it a tea cozy. I know what a real tea cozy is, but I like the name. Pauline made a little envelope, and filled it with several kinds of tea. I told her I would  have a cup of tea tonight, while I watch episode 2 of Downton Abbey.Tea cozy

Hope you all are enjoying the weekend! Treat yourself to some art and check out Leslie’s challenge!