This was built a layer at a time. I used stencils, pattern sheets, and thought more about how I applied the paint. I spent a good chunk of time, enjoyed the process and I am happy with the result.
I have been so inspired by texture, and the many ways artists have found to create it. This might look very much like other paintings I have done. I might be fooling myself. But it feels different to me.
I really love the table. I forced myself to scrub into and remove some of the indigo. Sacrilege to this indigo lover. The lavender spots on top were not visible until they dried. I thought, “O.K., that was a fail, but no one will see it.” They appeared a minute later like magic.
The original painting is below. I didn’t notice until I saw it on the monitor, my arrangement was top-heavy. So I Photoshopped some of that weight off. (Yeah, you’re right, I made that side to straight up and down.)