I’m in love. With Gesso board. I have used it before. For some reason, today everything just came together. Take that back. I did have to rework the shadow. Working wet, it flowed a little too much to the right. The left shadow edge is a little too hard, but I am fine with that.
I am not sure of the flowers. Are the convincing? I see one line that scanned much too dark, I will have to go back in and soften it. Also I may need to go back on the entire left side, and deepen the background, to make the blooms stand out more. Yes?
I am however, completely pleased with the little blue pot. I thought I had fudged the shadows, but, I think they are good. Isn’t it pretty!
The Gesso board is very forgiving, and I can go back in and add more color, or take some out and start over. It was a joy to work with.
Joyful painting to everyone!
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