To fit in better with the struggling, striving, sprouting souls on earth, they leave their wings behind. And are known to us as friends.
I know this is true. I have proof. I have witnesses. I will share a short story, and you too can bear witness to the miracle of friendship.
This past weekend I was elbow deep in research. My phone was not ringing, my inbox was empty. My focus was on reading, note taking, blog building.
How to Blog. Build a better Blog. Blogging 101. What beginners need to know about blogging.
By Sunday I was overwhelmed, and sure that I was the biggest under achiever in Blogland. I decided to take a break, but before I turned the computer off, I checked my mail. There it was. A gift. A blessing. A letter from a friend.
Most of the letter was an update on what is new in her art world. Exciting, interesting, GREAT news. I couldn’t wait to reply! And then in the last few lines… she just lifted me up the way Bette sang about to Barbara in Beaches.
She said my friendship was a blessing to her. She complimented my work. And get this, she asked me to teach her about Blogging. What??
ME, teach about blogging?
Her words brought me to tears. A pat on the back that turned into a full-fledged HUG.
She asked if she could buy one of my bookmarks (they are free by the way, and you can see them here.) I replied, telling her that one was on the way via USPS. I couldn’t help but include a quick little ATC (Artist Trading Card) for her. This is just a partial peek, because she might read this. I am hoping it will brighten her day, and serve as a reminder of what a blessing her presence here on earth is.
Thank You Kat!

Watercolor, pastel, pen, 2.5 x 3.5