Tag Archives: birds

A Bird In The Hand

Is worth two in the bush.

Bushtits, Wildomar Ca


These little visitors keep peeking in our windows. They perch on the edge of the window, and take a good look before jumping back in the bush. There are usually four or five in the bush together. I don’t know much about birds, but I think these are Bushtits. Maybe that is too easy an answer. Found this description, on The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and it fits:

Bushtits are sprightly, social songbirds that twitter as they fly weakly between shrubs and thickets in western North America. Almost always found in lively flocks, they move constantly, often hanging upside down to pick at insects or spiders on the undersides of leaves. Flocks of Bushtits mix with similar small songbirds like warblers, chickadees, and kinglets while foraging.

Of course I know they are only checking themselves out in the glass. They are about 3 or 4 inches long. I learned that the females have light eyes, and the males are dark eyed. You can see in the bottom photos that we had a pair.


One bird, then two,
then three, now four.
Chirp, chirp, chirping,
just outside my door. 
I wonder where they came from.
I wonder where they will go. 
Just keep on wondering, I must,
For only the winged can know.





Day 16 – 30 In 30


Free Bird. 5 x 5 acrylic on paper. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Free Bird. 5 x 5 acrylic on paper. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except those that sang best.
Henry Van Dyke

How did it happen that their lips came together?
How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts,
that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind
the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill?
A kiss, and all was said.
Victor Hugo


I managed to get two pieces completed today. I am “out of the studio” tomorrow and I won’t have time to paint. On this, I used my fingers to paint, and my paint brush to doodle. The birds were there, the bodies and tails, I didn’t have to add much. Paint drips became trees. Loose and unstructured, that was the only plan. There are things I would change, but I am happy with it. What do you think? See?


Treat yourself, visit Leslie’s site for a look at the artwork created today.

Also hop on over to Sea Dean’s blog and vote, each vote is a chance to win prizes!

Visit Cindy Williams and read one or more of her artist interviews!

Over 600 phenomenal pieces of art so far, on my Pinterest board for this event.

