Tag Archives: #azart

Day 30 of February’s 30-Day Creative Gathering

Day 30, 8 x 8 watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

Use what talent you possess:
the woods would be very silent if no birds sang
except those that sang best.
Henry Van Dyke

If you want to make time fly, do a daily challenge. Haha. It feels like we should be starting May or June. As if months have passed, instead of just one. So much work has been done. I have to admit, I am pretty stoked that I completed 30 days. Hand in the air for a high five. Haha. I wasn’t sure I’d be up to it. And truth be told, I napped a lot. I procrastinated often. The muse was napping too I think.

Tomorrow I will share my collage of the 30 pieces, and also my favorites with you. Later this week I will share a small sample of the works created by the artists in the group. You won’t want to miss it!

If people would just look at the paintings,
I don’t think they would have any trouble enjoying them.
It’s like looking at a bed of flowers,
you don’t tear your hair out over what it means.
Jackson Pollock

Day 29 Of February’s 30

Day 29, 3 x 4.25 in. watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 29, 3 x 4.25 in. watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

The more I work, the more I want to work.
Joan Miro

Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.
Albert Einstein

He who works with his hands and his head
and his heart is an artist.
Francis of Assisi

February 2022 30-Day Creative Gathering, Day 28

Day 28, 8 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 28, 8 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

In writing songs I’ve learned as much from Cezanne
as I have from Woody Guthrie.
Bob Dylan

I thought I botched this. When I finished, it looked too dark. Some of the paint was still wet, so I was hoping that would fix it. Watercolor always dries lighter. I left it to sit, and I took a break. Took a nap actually. Haha.

When I went back to it. I was pleasantly surprised. Whew! I rewet a couple of areas where I had hard lines, added a little more color to help disguise what I could not soften. I added more turquoise to the large pad, and maybe I went overboard. But I like it. Haha.

The indigo areas dried sort of greyish. So I added sap green in some areas, more indigo in others. And I darkened a few spots. Haha. Yeah, I know. Changed my mind.

Maybe I went to dark over all. But I am surprisingly, completely happy with this. Some areas of the background look slightly grey , it is the paper texture. But I can live with that. Haha.

Lesson from the universe. If you are not sure, walk away. Come back later and play. 🙂

The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Beginning with audacity is a very great part
of the art of painting.
Winston Churchill