If the desert is holy, it is because it is a forgotten place that allows us to remember the sacred. Perhaps that is why every pilgrimage to the desert is a pilgrimage to the self. There is no place to hide and so we are found.
– Terry Tempest Williams
Talens Angora Opaque Watercolor Pan Set, Inclusive Skin Tones
I have been coveting this set for a few months. Debating if it was worth the moola. When compared to the Michael’s $6 pan set I often use, there are fewer hues. Having never purchased this brand before, I had to trust the reviews.
The case is roughly 5 x 7, and 1/2 inch deep. Perfect for a travel kit. The colors seem to be highly pigmented. There is a very dark green, and a deep black. For the painting above, I used a green from another palette. New supplies, always a treat!
Medical Update
It’s been a month (19th) since I was released from the hospital. I am almost back to where I was before Pneumonia. Still using a walker, but more for “just in case” than absolute necessity. I am doing well enough that PT signed off on my progress. I am doing the exercises they prescribed to build my strength.
I have regained a lot of independence. I have not started driving, but that is due to the meds. I still desaturate when I am active. (O2 level drops.) So I won’t be browsing in stores soon. Short trips only. Missing Michael’s and Hobby Lobby!
I saw my pulmonologist this afternoon. I had a chest x-ray early this morning, and he viewed the results. I still have some inflammation. I will have another x-ray in 3 weeks, and see him again.
I’m so grateful for each improvement. Grateful for your prayers and well wishes. Thank you. Your friendship is a blessing.
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17
I made a short visit to Hobby Lobby a few days ago, after I had my second set of x-rays done. I bought more white pens, and a set of black as well. It seems every pen I have is dying at the same time. Haha. I found a huge wall stencil on clearance for just over $3 bucks. It is tree branches with birds. I am excited to put it to use. I also found a lazy Susan supply holder, but I am still debating if it is going to work.
A few months ago, I had perfect timing. Hobby was having a huge clearance sale on paper pads and sketchbooks. I grabbed up as much as I could. Haha. For less than $30.00:
1 – Lg Canson Mixed Media sketchbook $17.79 for $4.44 2 – 7 x 10 Canson Mixed Media sketchbooks $10.99 for $2.74 2 – Canson Watercolor pads $10.29 for $2.57 2 – Sm Strathmore Visual Journal (under $3.00) 1 – Koh-I-Noor Sketchbook $3.25 5 – Master’s Choice 8 x 8 watercolor pads $5.99 for $1.49
I have been using the 8 x 8 pads for the first two series this month. I’ve used this paper many times. It has a very definite patterned texture. Most often it does not show up in scanning. Sometimes you can see it. For the third series, the florals, I used a Strathmore Watercolor Travel Pad. 140 Lb., 8 x 10.
Both papers are inexpensive. They do buckle when using a lot of water, but they shrink right back to flat when dry. If you tape the edges.
During my recent visit to Hobby Lobby, I did notice that the Master’s Touch paper has changed. Maybe that is why it was clearanced out. It no longer has a pattern, just a slight texture for watercolor. I will try it when I run out of what I have.
Hobby Lobby Paper Haul.
I mentioned x-rays. Yup. I had an appointment with my foot doctor. She has been treating a Planters’ Wart. I have been waiting for the referral to go through. Lupus fog kept me from realizing, I should have just called her first thing.
She looked over the x-rays that the clinic ordered. But the images cut off the top of the foot. So she ordered full x-rays of both of my feet. Three images each. She will have the results by the middle of the week. She is sure though, that I have some stress fractures. In my toes, or the bones before the toes. She said my ankle looks fine, and she did see that I have arthritis in the top of my foot. I told her I was having pain there once in a while, and in my toes as well. Toe pain on both feet.
After the bright red and deep dark purple bruises were mostly gone, my toes turned dark purple, even in between. This image is from when they were starting to lighten a bit.
September 2021
She did not want to put me in a boot, she worried about my stability, having to carry the oxygen concentrator. Instead, I have to wear hard shoes, my sketchers, to support the foot.
Foot Support.
Still, it’s a chore already. Haha. I have to wrap my foot, carefully put on socks, then the shoes. And I have to cover the shoes, (we don’t wear shoes in the house), to protect the carpet. And I scrub the soles after I have been outside. Eesh.
Haha. I feel like Frankenstein walking around in clodhoppers.
If there are fractures, I will have to wear the shoes for 6-8 weeks. Then she will have x-rays done again, to confirm they have healed.
I found some hard soled bootie slippers, and some elastic shoe covers online. That will make things easier. I sliced up an old pair of Pete’s hospital socks, to stretch over my shoes for now.
Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm. Earl Nightingale
To practice any art, no matter how well or how badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. So do it. Kurt Vonnegut
Last of the bunch. I have a couple others, but I think they are paint-overs. This card was sent out in the Pals-Poist exchange. It traveled a whole hour and a half up the road to Flagstaff, to my good friend Christine Brooks. Christine and I still have not met. Mostly due to busy schedules. But one day soon, right Christine? 🙂
In return, I received this lovely card. Even in winter, beauty is all around. Christine sent it in a protective sleeve, the marks rub right off. I love how the leaves look like a frilly, royal collar (a ruff). And the snow cap looks like a Beret. Ok, I know I am mixing my styles there. And centuries. 😉
I love it Christine! I hope you had a hot cup of cocoa waiting after your walk in the cold. Burr!
Pals Poist Postcard by Christine Brooks.
I re-discovered a long lost favorite artist. Birgit O’Connor. Her watercolors are jaw-dropping! I love her flowers. And her stones look like a photograph. Her paintings are huge! Treat yourself to some of her videos on YouTube.
Some times good things come in the mail. Unexpected, good things.
Unexpected. Multiple good things.
Nelvia McGrath and I were having a conversation about watercolor paper. If you follow her blog, you know she has been experimenting with watercolors in a class she is taking. If you don’t follow her, you can take a peek. A link to her blog is to the right, in the blogs I follow. Well, we decided to share some paper with each other. And I sent off some Bee paper, some Arches. And some of the cheap postcards I thought were such a great deal. I wanted her to see the difference between good and bad paper. Salvaged the cards though, used gesso to cover the paper. The wonky cactus is an example.
Papers to play with. Yupo, Artagain, Duralar, watercolor paper.
Well, a couple of weeks passed, and I had just about forgotten. I knew Nelvia was busy. (You know how forgetful I am. Ughh.) And what do ya’ know! A BIG box came, with my name on it. Not only were there papers in it, but sharpies, colored pencils, pencils, erasers, a paint marker, a mechanical pencil, a brush pen, and some command strips. WOW! Mixed media here I come!
It’s my party and I’ll draw if I want to! Draw if I want to, draw if I want to!
I am so blessed to have made so many terrific friends online!
You know who you are. 😉 I see you every day, and I feel grateful. Thank you, Christine, for sharing your art and photography with me!