Tag Archives: #30daycreativegathering

Day 1 – 2019 Creative Gathering

Day 1, 2019 C.G., 8 x 8, acrylic & pen on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.
Day 1, 2019 C.G., 8 x 8, acrylic & pen on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.

September is the month of the painting challenge. Now called Creative Gathering. I will be painting each day this month, and posting them here. I may not post each day. As I am also posting within the group. But I will show each painting, alone or in collections.

If you think you might be interested in participating, click here. The group is on Facebook, and you can join in at any time, do as much, or as little as you like. 🙂

I started this off with layers of pattern. Stencils, bubble wrap. I started with warm earth tones. Somehow the pinks took over. Meant to paint a snake plant. So much for plans. Ha-ha 🙂


A hint of pink. August 2019 SMD ©
A hint of pink. August 2019 SMD ©

Isn’t this a pretty sky? Takes a lot to steal the limelight from Mingus Mountain. This was the sky last night. Teased rain, again.

Today though, we had glorious rain for well over an hour. Booming thunder. Big fat drops, loudly bouncing off the windows. Trees swaying wildly. Gutters overflowing. Mingus hidden in a blanket of grey. A most welcome “light” storm”.

I am continuing to prep for the September paint-a-thon. I taped a few sheets, and hope to add some background textures this evening. We already have 32 members. WOW!!! I am so glad the word is spreading. This is going to be fun!

Join Our 30 Day Creative Gathering

You are invited to join our September 30 day creative event! For those of you who have participated in Leslie Saeta’s 30-day challenges, the description is the same.

No rules. Just make something each day for a month. Paint, draw, sketch, shoot photos. Just do the thing you do, and share it in our Facebook group. This does not mean you have to complete a painting each day. You can share works in progress.

The main thing is to get busy doing, that which you love doing!

I am sending out invitations. Please visit the group to join if you are interested (in case I miss anyone). Share the link with friends and help us spread the word.

I raced to set up the page, so if I have done something wrong, feel free to let me know.

Five more days! I am excited. Thinking I might be nuts because I am still not in full food or energy mode. But I have been thinking of sitting down to paint, for at least a month. And still, have not managed to do it. Here is my kick in the butt.

Let’s get together and cheer each other on 🙂

Prepping Paper. 8 x 8 Arches cold pressed.
Prepping Paper. 8 x 8 Arches cold-pressed.