Tag Archives: #30daycreativegathering

30-Day Creative Gathering Collage

I’m so glad we had a 30-day challenge! Whew! And I am so thankful I was able to participate and complete 30 daily paintings! I had serious doubts I would last the whole month. And with the extra work of organizing the Facebook group, I am definitely ready for a break. Haha.

I think it has been a great month! A quick one for sure. I plan to keep up the daily painting, after our out of town company has left. I have ideas I want to try. And I have 30 4 x 6’s ready to go. Haha. Also several paintings on canvas I need to finish. I do like the 8 x 8 size I worked with this month. Not too big, and not too small.

I’m pleased with all the paintings I completed this month. There were a few I tweaked. And a few more I need to make small changes to. There are only two that I think are duds. Days 25 and 29. But I do plan to practice those techniques more.

Below is a collage of viewer favorites, according to blog visits. I am not sure how accurate that is, as I had fewer visits to the blog than I usually had during one of Leslie’s challenges.

This collage shows my favorites. I worked with collage, and stencils. Acrylic, pencil and pen. Layering elements. Worked with watercolor, and favorite familiar themes. I’d love to know which ones you like best. And why.

So grateful to all of those that followed along, and shared encouraging words. Thank you for sharing your ideas on how to improve, or suggesting new tools and techniques. The challenge would be meaningless without our conversations.

Big high five to all the participating members. You created amazing work this month! For some of you, just starting again after a long hiatus was a major accomplishment. You each have your own success story. Own it! And share it in the group!

Congratulations everyone!

Day 30, That’s A Wrap Folks

Day 30. 2019 C.G., 8 x 8, mixed media on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.
Day 30. 2019 C.G., 8 x 8, mixed media on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.

The Creative Gathering was created to carry on where the Leslie Saeta challenge left off. Meant more for painters, our gathering is also open to artists in the visual arts. Watercolor, acrylics, printmaking, photography, journaling, crafts, sketching, charcoal, pastel, to name a few. It is open to professionals, beginners, and everyone in between.

The goals of the gathering:

  • Create daily and post it in the daily folder
  • Develop a daily habit
  • Connect with new friends and old
  • Have fun

Our first gathering has been a huge success. Thanks entirely to the participation of the members. Give yourself a high five! Keep up your new habit, continue to create daily. Or at least regularly. Find the time for your creativity. For you.

If you pick the right small behavior and sequence it right,
then you won’t have to motivate yourself to have it grow.
It will just happen naturally,
like a good seed planted in a good spot.
BJ Fogg

Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand,
as if it were necessary to understand,
when it is simply necessary to love.
Claude Monet

Habit is a cable; we weave a thread each day,
and at last, we cannot break it.
Horace Mann

Day 23 Of The 30-Day Creative Gathering

Day 23. 2019 C.G., 8 x 8, watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.
Day 23. 2019 C.G., 8 x 8, watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.

I’ll be trying this one again. My first thought was to do the background in the dark blue I used on Day 20. I am tempted to go back in and do that. The reference I used was a huge plant, so my second thought was to just do layers of pads, and play with the colors in each one.

I was reminded by Val van der Poel, that Derwent Inktense watercolor pencils are permanent. That sort of slipped out of my brain. For the first layer of this, I used a stencil and Inktense. I applied the color with a small make-up wedge sponge. (Thanks Natasha!)

First step.

Well, you know watercolor. WET, watercolor. Made a mess even though I dried the sponge. But I like the result. I grabbed a #2 pencil and used the eraser to add more color.

Next time I will try to remember to plan better. To plan period. Haha. Painting this is always fun. Might see one or two more this week.

Scenes from my neck of the woods. There was a fire a couple of days ago. The second in as many weeks. The smoke came in over Mingus late in the afternoon. No one was in danger, and it was a distance from us. I always jump into research mode when I spot smoke.

Fire in the valley. SMD 2019
Fire in the valley. SMD 2019
Glorious rain this afternoon. SMD 2019
Glorious rain this afternoon. SMD 2019

We had a lovely, gloomy afternoon. I watched as the white clouds rolled over Mingus. They moved in very quickly. Soon after we had thunder and a downpour. Yes!