Category Archives: Flowers

Day 22


Day 22, Keep On The Sunny Side. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Day 22, Keep On The Sunny Side. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Yesterday I thought the painting was missing something. Today’s piece might have too much going on. I was working on a time crunch, watching the clock. I don’t think my mind was fully focused.

I tried a different process with the gauze and paint, the results are not what I had in mind, Again. LOL. You can see on the left, the spread is larger, but the pattern is broken and unrecognizable. Yup. I think I went overboard. Maybe I will feel different in the morning.

Road trip tomorrow. I am going to try to keep up with everything, but I am not sure if we will have internet. Will be spending  much of the time in the car.

Have a great weekend Everyone. Thanks so much for following along, and letting me know what you think. You’ve given me great ideas to try!


Visit Leslie’s gallery of amazing daily painters.

My challenge Pinterest board!






Day 21


Day 21, Walk In The Sun. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Day 21, Walk In The Sun. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Thought about naming this Girls Just Wanna have fun. But that seemed really long for a title. Instead I took a line from the same song. Saved myself one word. Two if you count the grammatically correct title. But I think most would remember the “wanna” better.

I feel like I should call this a WIP. I am not sure what yet, but it feels like it needs… something. It turned out completely different from what I had in mind. Was thinking soft and wispy, dreamy. Ethereal. HA! Got cartoony-folksy instead.

So if anyone asks. I will say, I meant to do that. 😉

I had fun working on it. Until my back started hurting and my eyes decided they wanted to shut. But really, had fun with the process. I meant for the small patches of green to be more of a large solid block, fading in and out. HA!

I painted the green on to some gauze, and then pressed it on the paper. And you can see, I basically got green-gauzy fingerprints. Needed a brayer.

I applied the background with balled up gauze, and I really like how the edges show the texture in some areas. Maybe I need to add a few leaves to the stems, side view. Oh, and I meant to add some black random lines…

So. Had fun. Not unhappy. Merely contemplating. Happy to have any suggestions that come to mind!

Ok Karin, I have to fess up. The answer to your question is yes. Yes I am bleary eyed. I forgot to post the links the last two days. I am way behind on visiting blogs and pinning to my board.

But I am going to get to bed a bit early tonight. And I am several paintings ahead. (Still painting because I am not sure I really like them.) Road trip on Friday, back on Sunday. Trying to get my posts written and ready to go.

Does this read rambly? It does. I sound like I am on a Will-Smith-Benadryl-High!




Visit Leslie’s gallery of amazing daily painters.

My challenge Pinterest board!








Day 19 Of 30


Day 19, So Lucky. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Day 19, So Lucky. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

I was so lucky with the dots on the vase. Perfectly imperfect. Don’t know how I managed it, but I love the mix of small and large, and fading. Not so lucky with the texture in the Shiraz. Some of the dots show through, and that’s fine.  I pressed a piece of gauze into the wet paint to create pattern. Didn’t work as well as I hoped. The paint had already dried too much. It’s there, but I am not sure you can see it well enough on the screen.

I goofed and forgot to add the second color to the petals on the left bloom. I didn’t notice until I scanned it, which meant the head was already done and dry. Another goof, well, just a decision really. I think I need to darken some of the pencil lines on the petals. But I had to make enough adjustments to get the colors showing true to life, that it wasn’t worth it time wise to start over. I may feel differently tomorrow.


Shared this on Instagram today.

Another Mingus Afternoon. SMD 9.2017

Another Mingus Afternoon. SMD 9.2017


Sad news to share with you. We’ve known for months, but it still was a shock. Lost the view of Granite Mountain out back.





Here is what it looked like before the building started.

View of Granite Mountain.