The storm came as promised. Roads were closed, and offices shut down. Here at home, it was a gentle snow. I think it snowed for a day and a half. Big fluffy flakes. The next two photos are early in.
Piling up. 2.20.19, SMD
Let it snow. 2.20.19, SMD
When the sun came up yesterday, Mingus was hiding in the mist.
Lost in the mist. 2.23.19, SMD
It reappeared later.
Mist in the lowlands. 2.23.19, SMD
Frosty. 2.23.19, SMD
Wascally Wabbit 2.23.19, SMD
Long way around. 2.23.19, SMD
They plowed our road today. But the cold means our view will remain white for a few more days at least. I’m going to enjoy every minute.
I just love the way paint puddles and highlights the texture of the gesso. I have inspirational stickers I am thinking of adding to these. Mmm… maybe I will add them to the back instead. Ha ha ha. Five more started last night. Hope you are enjoying some creative time as well!
Why is it so easy for me to forget how fun it is to use watercolor with gesso? Messy, uncontrollable… fun! I have about 18 of these started, making ready for two different swaps. The Global heART Exchange, and Pals Poist, with Jacinta Moore. Maybe I will see you there.
Pals Poist was created by Jacinta. If you are interested, check her out on Instagram. Each artist connects with individuals they would like to swap with. The swap begins in March. There is no theme, and you can choose how many you would like to swap with. If you are not on Instagram, but want to swap, let me know in a comment.