Category Archives: Online Shop

Dollhouse Miniature Wallpaper

Rugged Line - Pink. Miniature Dollhouse Wallpaper. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Rugged Line – Pink. Miniature Dollhouse Wallpaper. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

This challenge was a fun one. You can see I went a little bonkers. There will be lots of Victorian florals, and florals in general entered in the contest. I went modern and minimal. Twenty one, teeny tiny patterns. Some were inspired by paintings I completed in February. Voting is now open, until the 18th. Thanks so much for taking a look.

Miniature wallpaper samples. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Miniature wallpaper samples. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

Interested in crafting some dollhouse home décor? Spoonflower sells 8 in. by 8 in. fabric swatches for $5.00. That’s enough for a mini duvet, or a pile of mini throw pillows. Wallpaper comes in a one foot by 2 foot sample for $6.00. You can also order a “Fill-A-Yard” of assorted samples.

Dollhouse wallpaper can be found online for as little as $2.00. Many are between $9.00 and $15.00.

Tea anyone? Cake with that? Walls ready for wallpaper. Teeny star pattern.

Sea Sheath Pillow.© 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Sea Sheath Pillow.© 2023 Sheila Delgado.

Sea Sheath placed at 1045 of 1570 entries with 24 votes. You can see the top 78, here. I would have needed 127 votes to make the top 78.

I am grateful to my 23 friends who voted!  Thank you, for taking the time! 🙂

Grateful to all of you who read and follow my posts! 🙂

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Sea Sheath for Spoonflowers Weekly Design Challenge

Sea Sheath Curtains.© 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Sea Sheath Curtains.© 2023 Sheila Delgado.

Abstracted animal prints for curtains, our challenge this week. I decided to keep it minimal. I started with inspiration from the coral snake.

Their coloring is very eye catching. The US has only three species of coral snakes: the eastern coral snake, the Texas coral snake, and the Arizona coral snake. But there are dozens of different types. You can take a look at this chart, if you are not totally creeped out by snakes. As far as design goes, there are very pretty, brightly patterned styles.

Starting inspiration…

I have a cousin who is deathly afraid of snakes. I admit, I would not want to find myself in close proximity to a large snake. But I can look at them without the skin shivering disgust I get from looking at spiders. 😱🤣

I started with a stripe. Added filters to alter the stripe shape, for an organic feel. Essentially, I had two repeating patterns. The stripe, and the skin. Well, maybe it was just my brain on toast, but I could not get the two repeats to match up.

It’s math. And if you are a creative, you know what that means.
I just couldn’t get the equation figured out.
P(Y-X=m | Y > X) &= \sum_{k} P(Y-X=m, X=k | Y > X) \\ &= \sum_{k} P(Y-X=m | X=k, Y > X)

Click image to see slideshow view.

Once I stepped away from that idea, and started working with colors, I really liked the pattern much better. It’s true. Sometimes less is better.

I know this design will most likely be passed by in the voting. It will be shown on a curtain. And as you can see in the first image, the design is barely visible. But I have a working repeat. It can be used for costumes, pajamas, or a cuddly blanket for nap time.

Sea Sheath Pillows.© 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Sea Sheath Pillows.© 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Sea Sheath Collection.© 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Sea Sheath Collection.© 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Sea Sheath Sample.© 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Sea Sheath Sample.© 2023 Sheila Delgado.

Voting is open until the 11th. I’d love to have your vote. 🙂

Tumblers & Treats sample. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Tumblers & Treats sample. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

Tumblers & Treats placed at 1514 of 2151 entries with 24 votes. You can see the top 73, here. I would have needed 155 votes to make the top 73.

I am grateful to those who voted! Thank you, for taking the time! 🙂 🥰 🙂 🥰 🙂 🥰

Spoonflower is making changes in the next few weeks. Many of them to make it easier to vote in the challenges. You will be able to scroll through two rows, instead of one, on your phone. They will also be curating the entries, to verify that they meet the specific requirements, and that the designs are in fact, repeating patterns.

It’s warming up around here. And the trees are in bloom. Woo Who! Hope the weather is treating you well, in your neck of the woods.

Wishing you JOY!

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Tumblers & Treats For Spoonflower

Tumblers & Treats runner. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Tumblers & Treats runner. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

This week’s challenge is a collaboration between Spoonflower and East Fork pottery. We were given a limited palette using their new offerings. Piglet and Butter.

Looking through their site, I fell for their small mug. And the design was born.

🎵 Just around a corner there is a rainbow the sky
so let’s have another cup of coffee
and let’s have another piece of pie. 🎵

Tumblers & Treats tablecloth. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Tumblers & Treats tablecloth. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Italian Sherbert Wallpaper. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.
Italian Sherbert Wallpaper. © 2023 Sheila Delgado.

Voting is open until the 4th. Thanks so much for taking a look. 🙂

Italian Sherbert placed at 1020 of 1291 entries with 15 votes. You can see the top 63, here. So thankful for your votes! Thank you Everyone! Have an awesome weekend! 🙂

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