Category Archives: Photos

Little Pip


Yellow Bird. 8 x 8 watercolor and pen on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2016 Sheila Delgado

Yellow Bird. 8 x 8 watercolor and pen on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2016 Sheila Delgado

I wanted to call this done, but I think it still needs some work. All the branches seem to be on the same plane. The original photo is very dark, and I “saw” multiple trees, and maybe some vines hanging down. My father has since sent a new photo, and it is in fact one tree. The photo below is what I started from.

Yellow bird in tree.



Ducks stopped by for a few minutes early this morning, but have been absent since. Two of the Bushtits visited during breakfast. They have been here less often as well. I had a little fun with Photoshop filters on these.


Little Pip, Bushtit


Same photo with a Sumi-e filter



Blur filter




Out On A Ledge


Ducks on a ledge.


Still working on how to share the videos with  you. The files are huge and even compressed, they are bigger than allowed by WordPress. Here is an almost video. These two were not around until just as the sun was going down. They stood on the Jacuzzi ledge for about ten minutes, preening.

Today was warm, and I thought maybe they were cooling their feet in the waterfall. But Google let me know that ducks’ feet have no nerves or blood vessels. So they never feel the cold, even if they swim in icy water.




Little Bird W.I.P.


Work in progress, watercolor on paper.

Work in progress, watercolor on paper.

There is my little yellow bird painting in progress, and here is a little bird peeking in the window. I was making lunch when I heard a noise, but it took him knocking a few more times before I figured out where it was coming from.

Lil' bird tap, tap, tapping.

Lil’ bird tap, tap, tapping.

I ran to grab my camera and I pulled out a chair to sit right where he was tapping on the window. I managed these quick shots before he took off. He came back, just as I finished eating, and I sat down to try again. But no luck. He was just too quick.

Look away Lil' bird.

Look away Lil’ bird.

He teased me once more before I left the room. Seemed he was in a big hurry. Just a little flighty. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Maybe he was trying to invite his twin to a party!