Category Archives: Pen

Day 14 Of 30


From The Garden, Day 14. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

From The Garden, Day 14. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado


Can  you believe it? We are nearly at the half point. Woo Whoo! Trying to psych myself up, because week three is always the hardest for me. I start to feel like the little engine that could.

I think I can,
I think I can.

So glad the comments are back. And I have YOU cheering in my corner.

Means the world to me!


Leslie’s gallery of amazing daily painters.

Amazing works at my challenge Pinterest board!







Day 12 Of 30


Sunny Surprise, Day 12. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Sunny Surprise, Day 12. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado


Surprise, surprise, surprise. I am surprised at how well this turned out. It was a horrible catastrophe the entire time I was working on it. The late hour and pure determination got it done. Or maybe it was laziness. I did not want to start over.

Long list of fixes that could be made. The vase is perfect on the left, and NOT on the right. The shadow should wrap around the side, instead of sit underneath the vase. The right side of the table edge is higher than the left. (Hmm, thought there was more.)

I painted the table 4 times. Tried different textures that goofed or splotched or made a mess.  Finally I just pressed a credit card into the wet paint to make a check pattern.

The same with the background. Mess 3 or 4 times. Scraped on paint with a credit card first, Didn’t like the hard edges. Covered that with paint, and pressed a texture sheet on to it. Nuthin’. The rust color was looking, orange. So I covered it with more bisque and pressed the dots texture sheet on. Almost worked. Looked really good while it was still wet. I was disappointed when it dried. But looking at it now, I do like the subtle effect.

At the end I was sure I had a piece of yuck. But I was going to post it anyway. Then I thought, maybe some black would save it.

There it is. Pretty sunflowers. Whew!


Take a look at Leslie’s gallery of amazing daily painters.

Almost 400 fabulous works at my challenge Pinterest board!





Day Seven of Thirty


Three Women. 3.5 x 7 mixed media. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Three Women. 3.5 x 7 mixed media. © 2017 Sheila Delgado


I have kept my posts short. Less to replace if the server went down again. But new server now, and all should be well. Fingers crossed. Updates need to be redone, and CAPTCHA reinstalled. But there are a few more tweaks that need attention first. Don’t ask me what exactly, because I have no idea. Hoping to have that taken care of soon, and have the emails working again.

Randy my tech man knows. That is all that matters. He mentioned to me that yesterday’s piece reminded him of The Lorax.  You know, Dr. Seuss. Fluffy lollypop trees.  Made me laugh. They do look like wonky cartoon trees.

Today’s title came to me when I started drawing the stems. The bloom swirls make me think of long hair, pulled up in a bun.  And I can imagine them standing there spreading garden gossip.


Week one is done! Time flew by.

Take a look at Leslie’s gallery of amazing daily painters.

Over 200 awesome artworks at my challenge Pinterest board!

