Angel #1. 4 x 4 acrylic, mixed media on gallery wrapped canvas. © 2017 Sheila Delgado
Finished four mini’s and they were so fun to do. These are gifts for friends. Dedication celebration. LATE by many months. Remember the pours I worked on back in April? Well, I was not successful after a few tries. Bad idea to pour paint and hope that you get something that will look like an angel shape. I did get one. Half an angel, pretty nice surprise.
I had planned a trip to San Diego to deliver them, but the trip was cancelled. Worked out fine considering. So here we are half a year later. And I can call this project done. One each for two sets of proud parents. And one of each for the happy grandparents

Ugly phase.
I borrowed some of Laly Mille’s techniques from her recent True North Star class. I wrote on the canvas. Blessings, and on the edges these words – Love, laughter, abundance and blessing. Next, a layer of crinkled tissue. Building layers of color, adding more texture. Came to the ugly phase just before bed one night. Perfect pause point. The dark teal was looking Christmas green to me.
Woke up the next morning and had the answer. I needed to unify the layers. Sort of amazing how it was just there. Divine spirit no doubt.
I took one of the colors, and added a bit of metallic, and some water. I scrubbed the translucent mix on each canvas. The hue on the dark canvases that looks slightly grey is the metallic. The overall blue is muted, and not shiny, more … pearlescent. I was so pleased with the result.
The turquoise pieces are far more shiny. Which is fitting, as they are representing a girl. Both palettes chosen to compliment each child’s nursery.


The scan brings out each tone, in person they are more subtle in variation.
Gown. Wings. Head, halo, stars. And there you have it.

Angel #1
The halo and wings are white with touches of metallic on top. The stars shine and glimmer. I thought I had photos of each finished piece, but here are the three remaining before the stars.

Angel #2. 4 x 4 acrylic, mixed media on gallery wrapped canvas. © 2017 Sheila Delgado
On the next two, I used a pale translucent yellow for the halo, the metallic swirls really show well here. I think I may have taken these wings too far. Baby girl angel looks like a linebacker. I goofed and made the heads too round. Charlie Brown heads. And that is what gave me the idea to add swirls. Better.
The inspiration pieces I found on the internet were more rustic in feel. I wanted rustic and childlike, and my particular skills nailed the childlike.

Angel #3. 4 x 4 acrylic, mixed media on gallery wrapped canvas. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Angel #4. 4 x 4 acrylic, mixed media on gallery wrapped canvas. © 2017 Sheila Delgado
Happy with them all and I know they will be well received.
I am in San Diego for the next two weeks. A surprise Blessing to me. Working on posts, tonight, hoping to leave the laptop at home. My Laly canvas will be waiting for me when I get back. So bummed I was not able to finish.
There is a beachside first birthday, and 51st wedding anniversary, and lots of baby play time in my future. I am taking a few art supplies, but I am thinkin’ they might get lonely.