Category Archives: Pen

February – Day 28


Day 27 Final. 8 x 8 mixed media on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

Day 27 Final. 8 x 8 mixed media on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.


I thought I had very little left to do, to finish this, but it turned out to be more involved. I didn’t like how the two paddles on the left were facing the same direction. So I extended the side of the top paddle.

Day 27 W.I.P. 8 x 8 Mixed media on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

Day 27 W.I.P. 8 x 8 Mixed media on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

Only it didn’t work. I painted white, acrylic to cover the pencil line and green. Somehow, the paint dried sort of glossy, and it is not a gloss. So naturally, laying down layers of watercolor on the top was not going to cut it. But I tried. A few times.

Finally, thicker paint, and I think enough layers built up,  and I was able to get a decent couple strokes of semi-matching green. I tried making that side a little dark blue shadow, but uh-uh.

I’m happy with how that turned out. It is actually the real, color of cactus. I added another thin layer of turquoise watercolor to bring back some of what was lost. Outlined in turquoise oil pastel. Wondered at why it feels so good to have a crayon in your hand.

I was so excited about nine pm. Thinking I could go to bed early. So I putzed a bit, cleaned up my art mess. A little. Watched part of a movie. Starting writing my post.

Then about 10:30 my brain finally kicked in. I was done with yesterday’s painting. NOT today’s.

So here I am once again. Up against the deadline, and I JUST finished today’s art. And it is way to pink and girlie. And the Shiraz looks brown. And the orange flowers with a touch of pink, are ALL pink. But it is day 28 and that is that. It came together quickly, and I like it. So it’s all good.


Day 28. 4 x 8 watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

Day 28. 4 x 8 watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.


I think it helped this month, thinking all along that the challenge ended at the end of the month. I mean, I knew I my head we were still doing 30 days. Today I will be doing the drawing for the last giveaway. Be sure to leave a comment!

I will put the numbers 1 -7 into a bowl, and pick a number. And from that day of the week, I will choose one comment, again by picking a number from a bowl (# of comments). Tune in tomorrow for the announcement!


Hope you have remembered to visit
the great art at Leslie’s 30 In 30 Blog!






February – Day 18


Bobby's Girl, Day 18. 6 x 8 Mixed Media on Canvas panel. © 2018 Sheila Delgado

Bobby’s Girl, Day 18. 6 x 8 Mixed Media on Canvas panel. © 2018 Sheila Delgado

I think two roads diverged in the woods. I started with one color story. And ended with another. Not sure if I merged them amicably. Yesterday I started three panels, all with the same palette. What I added today, is more muted.

Overall I am happy with this. I am holding it as a WIP though. The lines on the right are sort of bothering me. Sharp diagonals, and the horizontal line of the striped area at the top. Let me know what you think. Are they a problem?

The title comes from this long mind trip… I wanted to do more of a Burridge type bouquet. Bob reminds me of my Dad. Dad loves music from the 50’s and I grew up listening to that. The song popped (Yes Dotty, popped, he he.) into my head, and there you have it.



More  great art at Leslie’s 30 In 30 Blog!

Thanks for stopping by, and saying hello!
Always so great to hear from you!


Now back to that Leslie Gore Biography I found while listening to Marcie 😉