Category Archives: Pen

Day 26 Of 30


#26. 4 x 6 in. watercolor/pen on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

#26. 4 x 6 in. watercolor/pen on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.


When I laid down the yellow, I meant for it to resemble multiple blooms. I left out details, such as outlining each one. I added a center, to hint at one front facing bloom. But I am not sure it reads the way I intended. Oh well, I am still happy with it. Even with having to fix a flub of the wet center bleeding too much,

I will actually have the last few days of the challenge uninterrupted! Whew! Ideas for paintings have popped into my head at odd times. When I am falling asleep, behind the wheel, waiting in line. I just have not had time to do a complicated piece. Bummer.

I can honestly say that after doing a 100 day challenge, 30 days goes by really fast. Ha ha! Triple dog dare ya’!








Day 25 Of 30


#25. 4 x 6 in. watercolor/pen on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

#25. 4 x 6 in. watercolor/pen on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.


I meant for the background to be more pinkish, but I do like the warmth. The vase is a mix of Bordeaux and Burnt Sienna, not sure any of the red shows though. The other colors are the same as yesterday. Turner jaune brilliant (red), yellow ochre, Naples yellow and cerulean, and cad yellow. The centers are spidery, like mini lightning bolts. The effect of wet color spreading into drier color.  They actually dried that way! Usually the paint continues to spread and that effect is lost.

I started one of the classes I purchased on Udemy.  Painting abstract landscapes in watercolor, with Jean Lurssen. It is pretty basic, but she did help me see things differently. I am looking forward to putting those lessons to use. I also purchased her class on painting dramatic skies.

Right now classes are on sale, starting at $11.99! Take a look, and if  you purchase through this link, I will earn a little something towards another class. (Thank you kindly.)


See the amazing art at Leslie Saeta’s event page.

Some of  my favorites on Pinterest.







Day 24 Of Thirty


#24. 4 x 6 in. watercolor/pen on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

#24. 4 x 6 in. watercolor/pen on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.


Happy Sunny Monday ya’ll!

Have I mentioned how much I love my new palette. OK, I think this is the third time, but I swear, it will be the last. I keep hearing “Oklahoma” in my head. There is so mush wide open space to mix paint! I still love the sketchers box, won’t be giving that up. Feeling grateful!


Winsor & Newton Sketchers Pocket box and Mijello Fusion Palette.

Winsor & Newton Sketchers Pocket box and Mijello Fusion Palette.



See the amazing art at Leslie Saeta’s event page.

Some of  my favorites on Pinterest.