These cards are on their way to my Pals Poist postcard partners. One is headed to Ireland, one to Norway and one to California. I meant to add a flower to the middle card. But dork forgot until just as I was putting it in the envelope. Three layers of paint and then the pen work, and do you think I would remember??
Pals Poist is Jacinta Moore‘s idea for a postcard exchange. In an attempt to fill the huge gap left by the cancelation of Kat Sloma’s LYA. Jacinta even created a cool little logo for the event. Check it out!
I have already received Jacinta’s wonderful card. She calls it digital art. It is a compilation.
Very intriguing.
Jacinta Moore, Pals Poist exchange. Digital art. 3 2019
Isn’t that a mind bender? Or is it just my mind that is bent? This is a photo of her photo. Not doing it justice. I apologize Jacinta. So glad you had the idea to do a swap!
So much fun, making colorful fruits and veggies! This is for the TDAC Eat the Rainbow design challenge. The only hard part was deciding which of my favorites to illustrate. I love them all!
I used simple shapes to create the eats. With a little help from gradients and shadows to add dimension. Click to view more details. My plan was to paint the images. Life got in the way, the deadline got closer and I decided to go digital. I surprised myself at how quickly I put this together. Whew!
There are just over 200 entrants, four will be showcased in a featured collection on TDAC for two weeks. The whole idea is to get designers seen by art directors and creative professionals. Well, I don’t have to be one of the four to do that! This is the first in a series of challenges. I am looking forward to taking part in each of them.
Your invitation has arrived!
The Art On 45 show is on now! All works on view for two weeks. The auction takes place March 16th. If you find yourself in Ruston Louisiana, stop by and take a look! It’s been so much fun taking part and following Christiane’s progress with the event! Thank you Christiane for inviting me to participate!
The storm came as promised. Roads were closed, and offices shut down. Here at home, it was a gentle snow. I think it snowed for a day and a half. Big fluffy flakes. The next two photos are early in.
Piling up. 2.20.19, SMD
Let it snow. 2.20.19, SMD
When the sun came up yesterday, Mingus was hiding in the mist.
Lost in the mist. 2.23.19, SMD
It reappeared later.
Mist in the lowlands. 2.23.19, SMD
Frosty. 2.23.19, SMD
Wascally Wabbit 2.23.19, SMD
Long way around. 2.23.19, SMD
They plowed our road today. But the cold means our view will remain white for a few more days at least. I’m going to enjoy every minute.