Category Archives: Mixed Media

30-Day Creative Gathering, Day 10

Day 10, 2.5 x 3.5 Mixed media on Stonehenge paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.
Day 10, 2.5 x 3.5 Mixed media on Stonehenge paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.

This challenge is going by much to fast. We are already a third of the way! Even though I feel like I have been struggling to create, I do not want to pass quickly. Haha.

I painted this on a sample size of Stonehenge Warm white. I am not sure if it is meant for watercolors, but it seemed to work fairly well. Although one area I tried to scrub started to show wear. I painted it vertically, liked it better this way. And I thought I would use it as a background. As I seem to be creating those this round. Hahaha.

I started out, trying to use Jean Haynes style, but the paper was not cooperating, so I just went with it. I will try again on the Fabriano.

Day 10 original, 2.5 x 3.5 watercolor on paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.
Day 10 original, 2.5 x 3.5 watercolor on paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.

Without the text.

Day 10, 2.5 x 3.5 watercolor on paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.
Day 10, 2.5 x 3.5 watercolor on paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.

On my way home from Phoenix, I decided to make a few stops for art supplies, naturally!

Jerry’s Artarama, Woo Whoo! Two pads of Fabriano paper. I have used the rough before, always wanted to try the smooth as well. I found an orange Micron pen, which could be fun. Also a large palette knife and more pens.

ATC sized pads of Stonehenge paper samples for only about $1.50 were too cute to pass up. Aqua Coldpress Heavy, Warm White, and Yupo Heavy. And BOY! The Yupo is a terrific weight, nice thickness. The Aqua is super thick. I am looking forward to trying it in a larger size. It is like a heavy-duty card stock. Super thick. The Warm White is thin, but still a good weight and smooth-surfaced. Follow the link to see how they work with different mediums.

Jerry's Supplies.
Jerry’s Supplies.

Next was Dollar Tree. While I was helping my aunt, I came across a dollar store supplies video. Well, you know how hard it is to resist art supplies. She recommended some pens, I am not sure if these are the same, but I really like them. And they did not bleed when I used them with the yellow sharpie. A mid-sized pair of scissors. I also found packs of self-laminating sheets. Roughly 4.5 x 6, perfect for postcards.

Dollar Tree supplies
Dollar Tree supplies

Conquering any difficulty always gives one a secret joy,
for it means pushing back a boundary-line
and adding to one’s liberty.
Henri-Frederic Amiel

I feel an earnest and humble desire,
and shall do till I die,
to increase the stock of
harmless cheerfulness.
Charles Dickens

Getting Crowded

Adding Layers
Adding Layers

Today I am adding layers to the postcards. Pencil marks and scratches. I had a burst of energy at about 9:30 last night. It didn’t last long, but I did get quite a bit done. Some cleaning and what you see here.

Layer of Light
Layer of Light

I found a great discounted frame at Hobby Lobby. Solid wood. Just over six bucks! A steal. I think it may have been rejected because a couple of the corners don’t match up well. I used a black nail file and fixed that right quick. Haha.

I had no idea if it was a standard size. I knew I could find something to fit. I worked in framing years ago, and I can’t resist a great deal on a frame. Luck was on my side! It is standard, 8 x 10. Woo Whoo!

I knew I would paint it. Of course. You know me. It had a red undertone, and I wasn’t keen on it. I will add several layers. It will be darker and look slightly aged. I’m hopin’. Stay tuned.

Frame Update
Frame Update

I finally made a start on the Sandy Sandy class I won on Instagram. She will be doing more giveaways, follow her if you are interested. Her work is stunning and she is a wonderful teacher. (Thank you Sandy! And thanks to Christine B. or Kat V.R.! One of you tagged me for this.)

I have started on the videos that are included. And I have some sketches ready for painting. I don’t have a lightbox, so I use my computer screen to transfer the reference images.

Sketching Sunflowers on Yupo and Paper with Sandy Sandy
Sketching Sunflowers on Yupo and Paper with Sandy Sandy

“I am working with the enthusiasm
of a man from Marseilles eating bouillabaisse,
which shouldn’t come as a surprise to you
because I am busy painting huge sunflowers.”
Vincent Van Gogh

Postcard Starts

Reuse & recycle.
Reuse & recycle.

An idea came to me while reading UPPERCASE. I thought the subscription cards would be perfect for some postcard art. The card stock is heavy, and some of them have nice patterns on the back. I also found a flyer with a nice weight.


Sometimes I amaze even myself. LOL. I am kidding. I was trying to shove some pens back in their drawer but it was not going to close. Finally, a light bulb went off, and I tried stacking them in the opposite direction. Voilà! And DUH!