Category Archives: Collage

January Painting Challenge In Review



Jan 2016 30 In 30 Challenge, Sheila Delgado


The challenge is officially over. I am ready for a break, but I am committed to continuing the daily habit. Be it sketch, or paint, or digital design. Wish me luck!

Out of my 30 pieces for this month, there are only five that I am not thrilled with. Not bad odds. There are a few others I did not like at first, but they have grown on me. Some of that has to do with insights of others. My followers, friends and family. Thank you to my fellow artists for your support and encouragement. I am grateful to you!

I made a collage of my favorites for the month. Which paintings did you like best?


January 2016 favorites. sheila delgado

My January favorites.

I will choose from the nine paintings above to create postcards for the upcoming Liberate Your Art exchange. I can never decide on just one design, so there will be at least five.

I love the daily conversations with my artist friends.  Miss that the most when the challenge ends. Seeing your art each day is so inspiring and uplifting! Thank you all! For sharing your process, your successes, and your lessons learned when things did not go as hoped. I wish you the very best in the year ahead!


Cheers to Leslie Saeta for another successful 30 In 30!
Thank you for bringing us all together!

Cheers to the 1403 participating artists worldwide!


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My Pinterest board is over 2029 fabulous works of art!
Visit Leslie’s 30 in 30 blog, for a look at
the art collages created today!






September Recap


I am feeling sort of discombobulated. Fuddled. Rattled. With my missing September posts. Still hoping they will return. (Server issues)

I thought I would recap, mostly for myself, but also for visitors new to the blog.

September was a prolific month for me. Thanks to Leslie Saeta and her 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. Hundreds of artists took part, painting and posting their work each day.

A quick look at my daily paintings. All were done in watercolor. Most of them on Yupo, but a couple were on paper. I am so happy with the work I produced this month.


30 Sunflowers in 30 days. © 2015 Sheila Delgado.

30 Sunflowers in 30 days. © 2015 Sheila Delgado


My favorites from the month. Most of these were happy accidents.

My favorites. © 2015 Sheila Delgado.

My favorites. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

My good friend and fellow artist Cindy Williams shared her top ten list of my paintings, take a peek. We agreed on many of them! I had so much fun painting sunflowers. I painted on scraps, and gave them away as bookmarks to my followers.


Bookmark Giveaways. © 2015 Sheila Delgado.

Bookmark Giveaways.



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You can visit my Pinterest gallery to see fabulous art by the artists that participated. I looked again today, and I just love the work that was produced by everyone!

I just finished a large canvas for a friend, I will share that with you tomorrow.

Happy creative Monday to you!




A Day to Give Thanks



January 2015 Challenge Collage, #jan30in30


Thank you Leslie Saeta for bringing us all together. I am in awe not only of your wonderful art, but of how much you accomplish. I really feel I have grown as an artist, with each of your challenges. With this one especially. I am much more at ease with taking risks, and working through difficulties.

Thank you to those who took time to vote in Sea’s Art Party. Have you looked at the prizes in the giveaway? Don’t forget, voters are eligible!

Cindy, thank you for including me in your artist interviews this month. I appreciate the opportunity to introduce myself to your readers. It was such a pleasure to learn about the amazing artists you featured.

Sea Dean, thank you for creating the fun and fabulous Art Party! I really don’t know how you three manage to paint each day, write blog posts, run these huge month-long events, as well as running a business.

Sandy, thank you for nominating me for the 5 Day Art share on Facebook.

And a SUPER MEGA THANK YOU to everyone who followed my progress this month. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I really value your opinions! Thanks for the shares, and +1’s, likes and pins! Thanks to my new blog followers!

Thank you to Sea for my special birthday gift. So gorgeous!

And even though they were not birthday presents, thank you to Sandy and Kathy for the chance to have an original piece of your fabulous art! I am blessed!

Hope I am not forgetting anyone. But the way my mind works, and sometimes doesn’t, ya’ never know.


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I numbered the paintings in the collage, because I would like your opinion. Do you have a favorite? I am prepping postcards for Kat Sloma’s Liberate your Art swap. Below are some of my favorites, but I’d really love to hear what you think!


Friends, Final. 4 x 6 mixed media postcard. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Friends, Final. 4 x 6 mixed media postcard. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Green vase. 4 x 5 acrylic on paper. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Green vase. 4 x 5 acrylic on paper. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Petals and Moonbeams. 5 x 7 acrylic on paper. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Petals and Moonbeams. 5 x 7 acrylic on paper. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Birds and Bees, Final. 4 x 6 mixed media postcard. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Birds and Bees, Final. 4 x 6 mixed media postcard. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Watercolor postcard, final. 4 x 6. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Watercolor postcard, final. 4 x 6. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

Bouquet. 4 x 6 acrylic on paper. © 2015 Sheila Delgado. #jan30in30, day 22

Bouquet. 4 x 6 acrylic on paper. © 2015 Sheila Delgado


One last chance to vote at  Sea Dean’s Art Party.
Each vote is a chance to win for the voter, and to votee!

1483 artists completed the challenge!
Find links to their work on Leslie Saeta’s blog.

Treat yourself to Cindy Williams artist interviews!

My Pinterest board for this event has grown to almost 1200 pieces of art.

