My heart is full,
thanks to awesome friends like you.
Happy Valentines Day, everyone!

My continuing fascination with color. Above is the untouched original. Below I increased the vibrancy in Photoshop and flipped the image. I like the stronger colors, but it feels slightly top-heavy to me.
I never would have guessed, how much I enjoy this color. Yellow ochre. I live with it daily. The huge canvas hanging, that is still waiting to become a painting. The small side table that needs more layers to become a pretty “wood” finish. The duvet. It’s warm. Soothing.
Today was an abstract day. Abstracts with a palette knife. I worked on four small pieces, 5 x 7 Heavy Yupo, 144lb. I really like the heavy Yupo. It does not buckle, even under thick layers of acrylic. I did not tape the sheet down, but it did not warp. Very nice!
I’m still undecided about this one. So much so, that I took to cropping it in Photoshop. The colors are muted, maybe that is what bothers me. Not sure. I do really like the colors. Happy for the practice,
think it would help to use a thick medium with the color. These are craft paints, and some a thicker than others. I need MORE palette knife practice. I like the 2nd and 4th images best. What do you think?