Category Archives: Abstract

So Glad To Be Spending Day Two With You!

Day 2, Mixed Media on 8 x 8 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 2, Mixed Media on 8 x 8 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

My original idea with these was more in the direction of Bob Burridge abstracts. I have painted in that style before. Still, I am enjoying the process. I continue to be puzzled with seeing values. I get it, what they are, how to make them. In watercolor at least. But I still somehow think that lighter colors are lighter values. And that is not always true.

Take a look at this painting with the colors taken out, below. Now I would think that the bright turquoise is a light value, the same perhaps as the container. But it isn’t. It is a mid-tone.


Now going back to the painting, I can see that the turquoise section of the leaf is clearly darker than the container. But my eyes fool me. Or is it my warped color logic? Haha.

Day 2 Desaturated
Day 2 Desaturated

To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
William Blake

February 2021 30-Day Creative Gathering

FEB 2021, Day 1, Mixed Media on 8 x 8 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
FEB 2021, Day 1, Mixed Media on 8 x 8 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Paper, acrylics, crayons, Zig writer, Posca white, Liquitex Portrait Pink Pen. I started with scribbles to “activate” the paper as they say. The early marks are were still visible under the layers of paint, so I decided to accentuate them.

I added circles in bright pink, but the crayon was muted on the acrylic. I tried the Liquitex pen and that added a shine, an interesting addition. I outlined some of the circles and filled in others. Next, I added white to some of them. Now there is shiny white, glossy pink, and a flat background.

I am not really a fan of mid-century modern. And I am not sure this falls into that category. It turned out completely different from what I had in mind. Haha, how many times have I said that before? But I have two more in the series.

Happy Day one everyone! Let’s have some fun!

Play, have fun and take risks.
Someone somewhere will always love your work.
It’s not your job to like or love your work.
Your job is to enjoy the process of creating it.
Wyanne Winter

10 am Sunday Morning
10 am Sunday Morning

I’ll soon be there with snow,
I’ll wash my hair with snow,
And with a spade of snow,
I’ll build a man that’s made of snow,
I’d love to stay up with you but I recommend a little shuteye
Go to sleep,
And dream…
Of snow.
Snow, from White Christmas, by Rosemary Clooney.

We had decent snow overnight. Mingus remains under cloud cover. But our streets are dry and the snow is making a quick retreat. We may get lucky though, and have more snow tonight. Fingers crossed it will start early enough to be viewed.

2 pm, Sunday Afternoon.

Making more starts. Honestly, no idea where this will all go. But that is part of the fun, isn’t it? Claro, Que si! Yes, but of course!

Sketchy starts.
Sketchy starts.

I painted over my HUGE canvas. And I will paint over it again. My effort was not successful. Haha. I took the palette knife and played at the end, knowing it was a loss. The colors are off. I need to make a run to Micheals.

I decided that the colors I had on it before were just to, harsh. I want something more restful. So I will keep trying. Still inspired by Hiroshi Matsumoto‘s abstract landscapes.

The other idea I have long had is to do something like van Gogh’s Almond Blossoms. But there too, it is bold, strong color. I love it. But maybe one of the softer versions would work. Suzette Rothlisberger gifted me with a tube of Thalo Turquoise. Thank you, Suzette! I also have a tube of Turquoise light. Thinking on it.

Whoa, someone turned the lights down! Clouds are moving in and Mingus has disappeared again. Yay!

Happy last week of January to you! Can you believe it???

How did it get so late so soon.
It’s night before it’s afternoon.
December before it’s June.
My goodness, how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late so soon?
Dr. Seuss