This post has been sitting half finished since December. I was going to write about my COVID experience. But I am still mid journey. And for some reason, I have not been able to put that story to paper.
For now, here are the wonky little works I did while in the hospital. They are in my 4 x 6 sketch book. Not on watercolor paper. Christine Brooks made the suggestion, to pass the time. I wasn’t thinking about art at that moment. And at first, it was very hard to concentrate. I would draw, and then paint later.
I put together a list of supplies, and had them dropped off at the hospital. I forgot some essentials. Like an eraser. LOL. I had a larger sketchbook, but 4 x 6 was about all I could manage. I altered a few of these in Photoshop. Blurred a snake plant, to soften. Added a few straight lines. Mostly, they are left untouched.
As for an update. I am plugging along. I am doing great on the whole. My mobility is still mostly limited. My O2 still drops dangerously low. I can get to the restroom on my own now. Without the walker. And I can get up from the seat unaided. Huge milestones! Haha. Sometimes my O2 stays level, until after I have made it back to the bedroom. Then it drops drastically. Fortunately, I often recover more quickly now than before. In the beginning, The O2 would drop as soon as I stood up.
Another milestone. Of sorts.
But every silver lining, I am going to claim. Haha. And thank God for!