Author Archives: Sheila

30-Day Creative Gathering, February 2022 Artist Gallery

Ginny Butcher
Ginny Butcher

The results are in. The February 2022 30-Day Creative Gathering was a triumph of spirit. Roughly 665 pieces of art were created. Many in our group have been doing a bi-annual painting challenge since 2013. Bravo! We added a handful of new members.
Welcome creatives!

I am so honored to be among the talented creators in this group. You are inspiring! Your desire to learn, your commitment to growth and experimentation. Your kind generosity with fellow members. Congratulations to all, on your amazing, creative journey!

Thank you for granting permission to display your wonderful works. Here, and on the Pinterest group board. I will have the images pinned in the next day or two. Be sure to check back for the stunning gallery. 🙂

I know you will admire the stunning work accomplished in the gathering. All work is copyright of the artist and may not be copied or shared in any way with out their written permission.

Take a seat, grab a cup of java. Realax, and enjoy!

30-Day Creative Gathering, February 2022 Participating Artists

Ginny Butcher

Ginny Butcher
Ginny Butcher
Ginny Butcher
Ginny Butcher
Ginny Butcher
Ginny Butcher

Sea Dean

Sea Dean
Sea Dean
Sea Dean
Sea Dean
Sea Dean
Sea Dean
Sea Dean
Sea Dean

Val van der Poel

Val van der Poel
Val van der Poel
Val van der Poel
Val van der Poel
Val van der Poel
Val van der Poel
Val van der Poel
Val van der Poel

Johanne Boisvert

Johanne Boisvert
Johanne Boisvert

Beth Farabough Bolay
Beth Farabough Bolay
Beth Farabough Bolay
Beth Farabough Bolay
Beth Farabough Bolay
Beth Farabough Bolay
Beth Farabough Bolay
Beth Farabough Bolay

And then, I have nature and art and poetry,
and if that is not enough, what is enough?
Vincent Van Gogh

Laurelle Cidoncha

Laurelle Cidoncha
Laurelle Cidoncha
Laurelle Cidoncha
Laurelle Cidoncha
Laurelle Cidoncha
Laurelle Cidoncha
Laurelle Cidoncha
Laurelle Cidoncha

Christine Brooks
Christine Brooks
Christine Brooks
Christine Brooks
Christine Brooks
Christine Brooks
Christine Brooks
Christine Brooks

Linda Lovisa

Linda Lovisa
Linda Lovisa

Laurie Sayward
Laurie Sayward
Laurie Sayward
Laurie Sayward
Laurie Sayward
Laurie Sayward
Laurie Sayward
Laurie Sayward

Celeste Gerard
Celeste Gerard
Celeste Gerard
Celeste Gerard
Celeste Gerard
Celeste Gerard

And then, I have nature and art and poetry,
and if that is not enough, what is enough?
Vincent Van Gogh

Diane Scott Wilde
Diane Scott Wilde
Diane Scott Wilde
Diane Scott Wilde
Diane Scott Wilde
Diane Scott Wilde
Diane Scott Wilde
Diane Scott Wilde

Karin Hooper Schoonover
Karin Hooper Schoonover

Helen Trachy

Helen Trachy
Helen Trachy
Helen Trachy
Helen Trachy

Nelvia McGrath

Nelvia McGrath
Nelvia McGrath
Nelvia McGrath
Nelvia McGrath
Nelvia McGrath
Nelvia McGrath
Nelvia McGrath
Nelvia McGrath

Natasha Papousek

Natasha Papousek
Natasha Papousek
Natasha Papousek
Natasha Papousek
Natasha Papousek
Natasha Papousek

Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely.
Light and colour, peace and hope,
will keep them company to the end of the day.
Winston Churchill.

Teresa H. Hazelbaker
Teresa H. Hazelbaker
Teresa H. Hazelbaker
Teresa H. Hazelbaker
Teresa H. Hazelbaker
Teresa H. Hazelbaker
Teresa H. Hazelbaker
Teresa H. Hazelbaker

Lori D. Wikdahl
Lori D. Wikdahl
Lori D. Wikdahl
Lori D. Wikdahl
Lori D. Wikdahl
Lori D. Wikdahl
Lori D. Wikdahl
Lori D. Wikdahl

Eileen Vivell
Eileen Vivell
Eileen Vivell
Eileen Vivell
Eileen Vivell
Eileen Vivell
Eileen Vivell
Eileen Vivell

Eva Lato
Eva Lato

Cindi Jones
Cindi Jones

I would like to paint the way a bird sings.
Claude Monet.

Corinne Bekker

Corinne Bekker
Corinne Bekker
Corinne Bekker
Corinne Bekker
Corinne Bekker
Corinne Bekker
Corinne Bekker
Corinne Bekker

Martha Heimdahl Slavin
Martha Heimdahl Slavin
Martha Heimdahl Slavin
Martha Heimdahl Slavin
Martha Heimdahl Slavin
Martha Heimdahl Slavin
Martha Heimdahl Slavin
Martha Heimdahl Slavin

Thank you for taking the time to view the artworks.
I hope you enjoyed them as much as I have.

Wishing you JOY!

February 2022 30-Day Creative Gathering Collage

FEB 22 30-Day Collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

No surprises here. Flowers and Cacti. Cacti and flowers. I have a tiny sliver of Sap green left in my palette. Made it to the end, by the hair on my chinny, chin chin. 🙂 I am very happy with the work I produced. Hallelujah!

I’ve been hoping and praying for precipitation all month. You would never know it by looking at these sunny settings. The influence of the warm desert air no doubt.

Challenges make you discover things about yourself
that you never really knew.
Cicely Tyson

This event kicked off our fourth year of the gathering. We welcomed many new members, a great way to begin! There were over 665 works of art created in our international group this month. An abundance of light being sent out into the world! We have members in England, Canada, Spain, Hungary, Australia, France, and Scotland. And of course from all over the US.

Do not let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.
John Wooden

I worked in several small series this month. Cacti, wildflowers, abstracted flowers, potted plants, and my simplified floral still life. Each day what I sat down to paint was posted for viewing. Only one early painting failed so badly that I had to start over. There are two that made me cringe when I posted them. A few others I thought were mistakes, but they received the most comments. Proving again, I am not always a reliable judge of my work. 🙂

Below are my favorites. You can clearly see why my sap green is depleted. Haha. I always love hearing what your favorites are. One reason I number my collage.
Which did you like best, and why?

FEB 22 30-Day Favorites Collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

I am so grateful to have you follow along this month. Your encouragement and considerate critiquing will stay with me long after the challenge has ended. I pushed myself, because I did not want to let myself down. I did not want to miss participating. But I confess, I was reminded each day how many of you prayed for me (are praying). I did not want to let you down either.

You are the wind beneath my wings! Thank you, my friends!

In a few days, I will share art and collages from the many who took part in this round of the Creative Gathering. We are fortunate to have so many gifted artists, who work in a variety of mediums and styles. I am so honored to have the opportunity to see their work each day. And learn from their strengths.

You will love a virtual stroll through the Gathering’s Gallery!

Day 30 of February’s 30-Day Creative Gathering

Day 30, 8 x 8 watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

Use what talent you possess:
the woods would be very silent if no birds sang
except those that sang best.
Henry Van Dyke

If you want to make time fly, do a daily challenge. Haha. It feels like we should be starting May or June. As if months have passed, instead of just one. So much work has been done. I have to admit, I am pretty stoked that I completed 30 days. Hand in the air for a high five. Haha. I wasn’t sure I’d be up to it. And truth be told, I napped a lot. I procrastinated often. The muse was napping too I think.

Tomorrow I will share my collage of the 30 pieces, and also my favorites with you. Later this week I will share a small sample of the works created by the artists in the group. You won’t want to miss it!

If people would just look at the paintings,
I don’t think they would have any trouble enjoying them.
It’s like looking at a bed of flowers,
you don’t tear your hair out over what it means.
Jackson Pollock