Whew! I am amazed I was able to do so many collage pieces this month. Thank you Lord! They were so much fun, and I learned so much. Fear made me delay starting them. Stupid fear.
Spoonflower Design Challenges
I completed all of challenges this month. Again, Lots of learning here. I learned how to make a check and a plaid. And my speed is improving. Very happy about that.
Along with each challenge design, I was able to create a small collection with pattern variations and solid coordinates. I may also add a ditsy print, textured solid, stripe or other coordinating pattern to them.
For the Ikat Cross, I am going to make some slight changes before working on a collection. More fun ahead. I also will work more on the two Circle pattern Ideas. 🌻
Thanks so much for following along with me this month. Your encouragement is a blessing. And thank you so much, for voting in the design challenges. Thank you! 😊
I placed at 369 of 1425 entries in last weeks 70’s Pillow Challenge. WOW! I received 64 votes! Thanks everybody! I’m stoked. LOL. 😊
This weeks design is already receiving lots of “favorites”, and I am excited. I thought I might have gone too plain with this one. The theme was dark academia. Think Harry Potter. Not my interest at all. But I did the research, and gathered ideas. I just couldn’t get excited about candlesticks and creepy owls. Haha. So I made the call and turned in my unembellished plaid. There are only about ten other plaid entries.
You can see the detail, a twill weave, in the image above. I tried several different variations. And there are a couple more I am going to make available in my shop. In one, the yellow stands out more. The other has less burgundy, and is darker. I used Indigo, Juan yellow and deep burgundy. It’s so fun to see how the pattern process yields different tones.
This turned out to be an awesome challenge. I learned how to make a plaid easily. I can make a regular, a twill and a flannel from one design. How awesome it that? Gotta love learning!
This is how it looks in the voting panel. Thanks so much to all of you who take the time. I know it is a chore. Spoonflower is working to make it easier.
World Watercolor Month
It’s hard to believe that WWM is wrapping up. I have posted some of these before, But here they are as a series. I had so much fun, and I can’t wait to do more collage. They are doing another round next month if you are interested. I will be prepping for the 30-Day Creative Gathering in September. Can you believe it is already here?
The first series was inspired by Cat Rains and her 5 Day Collage Kickstart. Cat is so enthusiastic and has so many super ideas. Be sure to check out her Tune In Tuesdays on Instagram! So much fun!
I wasn’t happy with how the first two collages turned out. The sky is an off color. I am more happy with it in the second set. I made a lot of mistakes in both series. Learned from them though. And I learned that making papers is so much fun. 😉
I was talking on the phone with a friend, and the sky was quickly changing. I put her on speaker, and while we continued the conversation, I tried to catch a shot of the lightning. It was striking just to the right of Mingus.
Surprise! What a treat! I had a visitor come right up to the window. And she hung right in front of me for a second or two, as if to say, “Hello”. The photos are blurry. Maybe that is what makes them so magical. Like little fairies.
I turned back to the sky, and there was a wall of rain. Then the light show started. I took too many photos to count. And I didn’t think I had caught the lightning. Woo Whoo! Look closely at slide four, there is lightning behind the tree on the right.
The following day, we had a bit more rain. And more glorious skies. First a double rainbow.
I captured a lightning bolt in video, and was so excited to share it with you. I’ve been trying for two days to get the video to play. I wanted to edit it, the window frame was visible, and the end was choppy as I lowered the phone. But I couldn’t get it saved right. And I have done this before? 🤣 Ugghh! Well, learn something new everyday. I edited it my phone. DUH. I didn’t know you could do that. 🤣🤣🤣
I had already saved these frames to share so here they are. The strike takes 12 frames. But here are just a few.