Happy Blessed New Year!
Have you ever cross stitched? I enjoyed it for awhile. Back before the turn of the century. I also made things with plastic canvas. I forgot all about that, until I started doing research for this challenge.
This pattern came together quickly. I found a cross stitch font I liked. I made the elements and decided to use a linen effect for the background. I made a repeating aida cloth pattern, but the cloth, and the cross stitch letters were not matching up. I’m guessing this is due to the spacing between the letters.
Once the design elements were done, I had to figure out how to make them look like cross stitch. Hmm. I found a few really good videos, and chose one to follow. She was great. Showed two different methods. Woo Who! I got the first method down lickety-split.

I wasn’t so lucky with the second version. I watched the video about 6 times, and took notes. Finally, I figured out that she forgot to mention one tiny little thing. It worked on my next try. Whew! By this time, I had the steps memorized.
My pattern has one major flaw. The stitch sizes do not match. If you zoom in you can tell that some of the pieces look smooth, while the stitches are more visible on the type.

I just figured out how I can fix this. 😆 Isn’t that always the way. I skipped a few steps in this quick sample, but I know what I need to do now. Woo Who! I can’t edit the design on the site until after the challenge. I will make the changes, and have it ready to upload next week.
Voting is open now, until the 12th.

Diamond Diva placed at 868 of 1393 entries with 34 votes. You can see the top 65, here. Most of the top designs are very busy. I guess I bucked that trend. 😆
Hugs and a huge thank you, to everyone who took the time to vote!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Count your age by friends, not years,
your life by smiles, not tears.
John Lennon
Counting my birthday blessings today. Blessed to have 2022 behind me, and I even made it through December without catching my annual winter cold. Woo Who! I am so grateful for all of you, who let me take up a little space in your inbox. Thank you for sharing in my journey!