30-Day Creative Gathering Collage

30-Day Creative Gathering, Collage. 9-2024. © 2024 Sheila Delgado.

I didn’t stay too far from my usual subjects. Florals dominated the month. I did experiment with a few new techniques in watercolor and collage. I learned a lot. That is always fun.

One of the reasons I enjoy digital collage, is that I am always learning new techniques. I want to do something, make it look a certain way. And often times, I have to figure out just how to do it. Haha.

30-Day Creative Gathering, Favorites Collage. 9-2024. © 2024 Sheila Delgado.

My favorites are the ones I had the most fun with. Some of you have already shared your favorite pieces with me. It is always interesting to know what others find appealing.

I count my September as a successful one. I picked up a brush, after many months of not painting. My desk is a mess, and I have ideas in mind for new work. I am looking forward to that. And also to the February 2025 session of the Gathering.

I will be adding some of these to my Society6 shop next week. I will let you know when they are available. I appreciate your interest in purchasing my art. Color me excited!

Thanks again friends, I really appreciate hearing from you.
Your support means a lot to me. God Bless!

8 thoughts on “30-Day Creative Gathering Collage

  1. Dotty Seiter

    Sheila,huzzah! You sponsored and participated in ANOTHER 30-day creative gathering! A significant gift and an unequivocal success!

    I smiled when I saw Day 27 as the first window in your montage of favorites—that one is also a favorite of mine : ) I love the way it melds one of your so-identified usual subjects, i.e. a foral, with the delightful ‘disruption’ of collage and graphic elements. Your experimenting and learning spark me to experiment and keep learning also.

    I hope the transition to a new server settles down soon.

    I think of you often; how’s your health?

    Cheering you on in all your pursuits, Sheila!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Yup, another one! Hard to believe it all started in 2013, in Leslie Saeta’s challenges.
      I have hosted 11 events in six years. WOW! It wouldn’t be possible without all of the extraordinary artists taking part!
      I’m so thrilled you like that one, Dotty. It is so different, and I am so eager to explore more in this style. I usually
      want to fill every inch with color. And deliberately leaving white space is a challenge for me. But it takes my back to graphics
      school, where I learned white space was an important element of design. SO it marries two disciplines. Art & Design.

      I went back and edited the comments about the server. Woo who, things are working again! Haha.
      Thank you Dotty, for thinking of me! xoxo. I am well and I am so thankful that I was able to keep up with everything during the month.
      Now that the video is done, I am ready for a long winter’s nap. Or a few. 😆
      Thank you Dotty! I am excited to catch up on your blog, I always look forward to seeing your work!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you so much, Donna! I am definitely driven by certain colors. LOL.
      So glad you enjoyed them. And you know I love your work. So amazing!
      And your palette is so recognizable and always so… welcoming as well.
      See in February! 🥰🙏

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you, Cindy! I had so much fun.
      Make sure you watch the video, we have so many amazing artists & photographers

  2. Val van der Poel

    I always like to see which pieces you pick as your favourites to see if they agree with my choices. I like most of the ones you picked – except for the ones with too much yellow of course – lol. I still think that I like your day 15 – the simple flower – best. Thanks so much for your work this past month.

    1. Sheila Post author

      I couldn’t help it Val. I had to paint some yellow. I will never understand why I like to paint with it so much. It is not my favorite color. LOL. 🙂
      Maybe I just like painting yellow flowers.
      It is so interesting to me that you like that flower. I feel like I total flubbed it. I didn’t get the soft hues, the light touch, like the reference had. I thought it was overworked. But a few folks have liked it a lot. So what do I know. 🙂
      Thank you, Val. For being such a positive influence within the group! Thanks for taking the time for conversations, and encouraging others. 🥰🙏


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