30-Day Creative Gathering, September 2024

Week One

Days 1-7, of the 30-Day Creative Gathering.  9-2024. © 2024 Sheila Delgado.
Days 1-7, of the 30-Day Creative Gathering. 9-2024. © 2024 Sheila Delgado.

Seven paintings. And one whoosh of a week.
I’m having fun, getting back to painting. It’s been months. Hello again!

All of these are acrylics with collage, some of it digital collage. Some pen, some palette knife. The first 5 days I worked on 8 x 8 canvas board. The last two abstracts are 4 x 4 on paper.

Day4, Prickly Pear Cactus, Acrylic & collage on 12 x 12 canvas board. © 2024 Sheila Delgado.
Day4, Prickly Pear Cactus, Acrylic & collage on 12 x 12 canvas board. © 2024 Sheila Delgado.

I included an Arizona map on one of the cactus pads. The words are lyrics to the song “Missing” by Everything But The Girl.

… And I miss you
Like the deserts miss the rain …

Day 1, Acrylic, watercolor, pen, & collage on 12 x 12 canvas board. © 2024 Sheila Delgado.
Day 1, Acrylic, watercolor, pen, & collage on 12 x 12 canvas board. © 2024 Sheila Delgado.

Wishing you Joy!

10 thoughts on “30-Day Creative Gathering, September 2024

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you, Karin. So nice to hear, and I am so glad you enjoyed that piece.
      I had so much fun with it. Happy creating to you!

    1. Sheila Post author

      So kind of you Donna. :o) Thank you.
      Your birds have been wonderful. I love them!
      I am still working on your video, My pieces have been taking so long, I haven’t had time
      for anything else.
      Happy painting to you!

  1. Laurelle

    Lovely to see this pop up in my email this morning, Sheila! You are already have had a tremendously creative week. Your day one pink flowers are a magnificent way to start off. And I have to give special mention to those prickly pears, unique and wonderful, truly. Nice work!! I look forward to next week’s.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Laurelle. :o) I am so glad you enjoyed them.
      you are missed, but I know you are painting away. And your work has
      been spectacular! I love your florals!

  2. Val van der Poel

    Where has the week gone! You are doing brilliantly this time and you picked my favourites to highlight in this blog – the cactus and the vase with flowers. Both have wonderful colour combos. Keep up the good work but don’t overdo!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Wowzers! Thank you for that, Val. 🙂 I feel like I am clawing my way through it. Haha.
      But I am enjoying the process, and I am learning along the way.
      I am learning from your drawings as well. 🙂

  3. Dotty Seiter

    30-Day Creative Gathering, September 2024, week one! Woo hoo! Hats off to you, Sheila, for hosting this wonderful event! My first task, after taking in each of your first seven creation with delight, was to go hunting for your signature in each piece … but I only detected it in two. Did the week whoosh some of the signatures away hahaha??! Thank you for featuring enlarged images of Day 1 and Day 4. LOVE those! The texture and details in Day 1 keep my eyes moving through that piece again and again. Very appealing linework. And the depth and dimensionality in Day 4’s painting are captivating, as is the varied detail in each of the cactus pads. Brava, Sheila!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Haha, they might have been whooshed, Dotty. Honestly, I know I forgot on the abstracts.
      Knowing that you will be looking is a nice reminder, “Don’t forget!” Haha
      Thank you Dotty. 🙂


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