I am taking part in World Watercolor Month. I was tempted not to, there is already so much on my to do list. I know you know exactly what I mean.
But I missed my colors. And brushes. And I am so enjoying my “new” desk. I have two other large projects going, and I am squeezing out a tiny little spot to paint these tiny little pieces. Even still, the work area feels so much more spacious. Ahhhh.
I think a little bit of the Feng Shui, rejuvenate the chi flow has made a difference as well. Isn’t that part of why we do our spring cleaning?
You can click any gallery image to see the full piece.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Wishing you an awesome week! Enjoy!

You are a glutton for punishment! I find that the two 30 day creative gatherings a year are more than enough ‘paint every day’ events for me. These pieces are certainly giving you your colour fix – so bright and cheerful and the 2 cactus pieces are my favs.
So glad you like them, Val.
I’m with you actually. two is enough. I have been so busy painting furniture,
I thought the pressure of participating would be good to get me back in in the flow. Haha.
Thanks for saying hello. Enjoy your garden and critters!
Sheila, these are all so gorgeous! Normally, the sunflower would be my fav, but the bougainvillea is so luscious! It even surpasses the sunflower.
I’m doing WWC month again too (with my photos). I was supposed to do one post per week sharing the “art,” but I somehow lost track of time. :-/ Sigh…
Chandra! You’re already so busy. Well, that gives me one more reason to catch up with your IG posts.

I have sadly, fallen behind with Social media. I was so happy with how the bougainvillea turned out, so glad it caught your eye.
Happy creative WWM to you!
Social media and I don’t get along too well either, so I understand. I haven’t been posting WWC month on IG; I’ve been posting those only on Facebook. But, I’ll post them on WP soon. Maybe, the last week of July?
I will try to catch up on FB, Chandra
Sheila, the prickly pear cactus has won my heart in this round with its light and shadows and scrumptious watercolor paper texture, AND I’m having my usual fun playing I-spy-with-my-little-eye-your-sweet-little-signature in each little painting : )
Haha. So glad to have you eye-spying my way, Dotty!

That is Arches cold pressed paper. I love the texture too.