Days 15 Through 20 Of the September 30-Day Gathering

Day 20, CG 9 22. 8 x 8 inch. Watercolor, digital collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 20, CG 9 22. 8 x 8 inch. Watercolor, digital collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

I’m having fun with these. The first four were painted in acrylic or watercolor. And the patterns were added digitally in Photoshop. Not as easy as it might sound. On the vase above it took three times longer to add the collage and effects, than it did to paint it.

Day 19, CG 9 22. 8 x 8 inch. Watercolor, digital collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 19, CG 9 22. 4 x 6 inch. Watercolor, digital collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 18, CG 9 22. 8 x 8 inch. Watercolor, digital collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 18, CG 9 22. 4 x 6 inch. Watercolor, digital collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 17, CG 9 22. 8 x 8 inch. Watercolor, digital collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 17, CG 9 22. 4 x 6 inch. Watercolor, digital collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

For day 16, I shared a work in progress. I will be sharing the final pattern soon. Here I created a plaid, which will act as the background for the rest of the design. The theme is Fika, Swedish coffee break. But it is so much more than that. Fika is all about bonding with friends and family. It can take place several times a day.

I knew that many would use the colors of the Swedish flag, And I wanted to do something different. I tried adding a weave texture, but as you can see, it darkens the colors too much.

Day 16, CG 9 22. Surface pattern © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 16, CG 9 22. Surface pattern © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

This landscape is watercolor, acrylics and collage. And splatter of course. 😆

Day 15, CG 9 22. 8 x 8 inch. Mixed media, collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 15, CG 9 22. 4 x 6 inch. Mixed media, collage. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

Here in the valley we are enjoying a rainy, dark day. It’s been raining off and on since about 11 pm. It is cool, and the rain is not evaporating. This is a good long soak.

Creativity is
taking risks,
breaking rules,
making mistakes,
and having fun.
Mary Lou Cook

12 thoughts on “Days 15 Through 20 Of the September 30-Day Gathering

    1. Sheila Post author

      Aww, thanks so much Lana. So great to hear from you. Here and on Spoonflower.
      I like that one too. It was fun to work on.
      Happy creating to you. And canning, and quilting, and… well you know. Haha. 🙂

  1. Dorothy H Seiter

    Sheila, can you hear me whistling and cheering and clapping? I am dazzled humbled and impressed by your abundant inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun. Your creativity is flying high! You are SO rocking this creative gathering.

    Day 18 is especially catching my eye! Love the verticality of the ‘wallpaper,’ the grace of the curve of the table,the soft light on the vase.

    You inspire me.

    1. Sheila Post author

      I can, I can, Dotty! Haha. You always make me smile, and YOU never fail to amaze and inspire me! 🙂
      That was a favorite of many in the group. (Me too. Haha.)
      Thanks so much Dotty! Happy creating my friend. 🙂

  2. simply painting

    Wonderful work for the week! I love those botanicals. My mother was Swedish, so we always had coffee in the afternoons, and she liked a cinnamon roll, or cake or cookies with hers. We used her Swedish tea cups. Just found this out…The word Fika is an inverted syllable slang term derived from “kaffi,” the 19th century word for coffee in Swedish. She always said the old-timers didn’t like using the word Fika. It must be a more modern term. Anyway, I did see the category on Fika when I was voting. It will be interesting to see what you all come up with. 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      I actually just read that today, Karin. LOL. I don’t like it either. It sounds like fink. LOL.
      I like Kaffi. I worked for a family that was British, and they stopped for tea every afternoon. And always had cookies.
      We all would take in treats. There were only about 6 people working there. It was a fun tradition.
      Enjoy looking, and thanks so much for voting 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Dave. 🙂 So nice to hear from you. I miss seeing you in the challenge.
      I need to catch up on IG and see what you have been up too. Take good care!

  3. Val van der Poel

    So much work! You amaze me but I hope you aren’t over-doing. You are lucky to have a good soaking rain. It is a strange world – floods on one side and fires on the other. Take care!

    1. Sheila Post author

      I’m trying not to Val. Thanks so much for your concern. 🙂
      It was so nice to have rain that lasted a while. I thought about how nice it must have been for all of the animals, wildlife in the area, to have a break from the heat and dryness. You are so right, Val. Floods, fires, typhoons, earthquakes.
      Enjoy your fine weather, and happy painting to you. It’s a bummer you had to start over, but I know your portrait will be awesome. 🙂


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