Happy Weekend Friends

Eucalyptus. 4 x 6 watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Eucalyptus. 4 x 6 watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

Late night watercolor play. I resisted the urge to fill in the shapes completely, and outline. I added interest with a texture sheet. What do you think… unfinished, or rustic?

I have a handful of small paper scraps that need using. I have decided I need to paint fairly large. 6 x 6 to 12 x12 seems to be good for me. Maybe I should say my eyes and hands have made the decision for me. LOL. It’s getting harder to paint small details.

We’ve had perfect puffy clouds the last couple of days. I wanted to paint the sky.

Enjoying my small paper play. I hope you can find time for the things you enjoy this weekend.

Sky 1. ATC on Stonehenge warm white paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Sky 1. ATC on Stonehenge warm white paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Sky 2. ATC on Stonehenge warm white paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Sky 2. ATC on Stonehenge warm white paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

I thank you God
for this most amazing day,
for the leaping greenly spirits of trees,
and for the blue dream of sky
and for everything which is natural,
which is infinite,
which is yes.
E. E. Cummings

The sky is the limit.
You never have the same experience twice.
Frank McCourt

10 thoughts on “Happy Weekend Friends

    1. Sheila Post author

      Chandra, isn’t it amazing how words find us at the right time? Yes, for your trees! Completely! 🙂

  1. paintamasterpiece

    I think a greyed down pot to make it a shade darker than the eucalypts and less vibrancy would suit me better. The rest is perfect. The eucalyptus is masterful. I wouldn’t even have the guts to attempt it.

    1. Sheila Post author

      You may be right Sea. About the vase. Haha, I thought you had guts enough for anything. 🙂
      I’m chuffed you think it is well done. 🙂 Happy creating Sea. 🙂

  2. laurelle

    I like the patterning that occurs where the white of the paper plays with the watercolor in the background and on the table. The muted softness of the palette makes a very soothing composition. Yes, go bigger. I finally am too! It seems like it would be more difficult, but it is just the opposite. We don’t have to be so careful and tight. I’m happy you’re “playing.”

    1. Sheila Post author

      I like that too Laurelle. I was hoping for a more repetitive pattern, but I am so happy with how uneven it turned out.
      Looking forward to seeing your larger creations Laurelle. I am happy to be playing as well. Enjoy! xoxo

  3. Dotty Seiter

    Sheila, so happy to see you enjoying the fun of late night watercolor play—a treat for us for sure! Love the soothing softnesses of the eucalyptus and the wide open glory of puffy-cloud stuffed skies. Keep on keeping on with your small paper play.

  4. Val van der Poel

    Wonderful skies Sheila with great clouds. The first piece was nice and soft although not my favourite colours. Glad you are feeling well enough to do some painting.

    1. Sheila Post author

      So glad you like them Val. I am having fun with a few more. I am not sure about those colors either. I never use grey, haha. I am so gald to be feeling better too. Happy gardening to you Val 🙂 Enjoy!


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