Use what talent you possess:
the woods would be very silent if no birds sang
except those that sang best.
Henry Van Dyke
If you want to make time fly, do a daily challenge. Haha. It feels like we should be starting May or June. As if months have passed, instead of just one. So much work has been done. I have to admit, I am pretty stoked that I completed 30 days. Hand in the air for a high five. Haha. I wasn’t sure I’d be up to it. And truth be told, I napped a lot. I procrastinated often. The muse was napping too I think.
Tomorrow I will share my collage of the 30 pieces, and also my favorites with you. Later this week I will share a small sample of the works created by the artists in the group. You won’t want to miss it!
This is wonderful. It is still graphic, but those flowers look like you can pick them up and they will have petals and an intoxicating scent. I think that time away from painting has really progressed your art.
Thank you Sea. Wow, that means a lot! It is so hard sometimes for me to see improvement. But if you can see it, I can believe it. Hahah 🙂
Finishing up with a gorgeous painting! Congratulations, Sheila! <3
So kind of you, thanks so much Karin 🙂
Beautiful looks like spring is here!
Haha, it is today Lana. We are in the 70’s here. WOW! Thank you my friend, happy creating to you 🙂
A lovely piece to end the gathering Sheila. Thanks again for all your work and encouragment,
Thank you, Val. For being such an active and encouraging member of the group. You are an inspiration! 🙂
Sheila, HAND IN THE AIR FOR A HIGH FIVE for sure! I’m waving and cheering and high-fiving along with the flowers and grasses in #30!
Haha! What a gift you are, Dotty! Thank you. Happy creating to you! 🙂
Proud of you and happy to have my hand up too. A great 30 days. Thank you
High five, Christine! You had an awesome month! Thank you, and I hope you are proud of you too! Woo Whoo! 🙂
What a finale! A marvelous composition of colors, shapes, and joy! You are truly amazing, Sheila. You had such challenging months leading up to this “challenge,” that it is a wonder you were able to produce and create such beauty for 30 days straight. You can take a rest, but make it short. You are on a tremendously interesting creative roll. Your past endeavours are coming to fruition in confident, beautiful works. I’m so very happy that I will be here along with you. Biggest hug!!
Hug right back, Laurelle. Thank you so much for your kind words. 🙂 I am glad and so very thankful, that you will be here with me too! 🙂
Happy creating to you, my gifted friend! 🙂