In writing songs I’ve learned as much from Cezanne
as I have from Woody Guthrie.
Bob Dylan
I thought I botched this. When I finished, it looked too dark. Some of the paint was still wet, so I was hoping that would fix it. Watercolor always dries lighter. I left it to sit, and I took a break. Took a nap actually. Haha.
When I went back to it. I was pleasantly surprised. Whew! I rewet a couple of areas where I had hard lines, added a little more color to help disguise what I could not soften. I added more turquoise to the large pad, and maybe I went overboard. But I like it. Haha.
The indigo areas dried sort of greyish. So I added sap green in some areas, more indigo in others. And I darkened a few spots. Haha. Yeah, I know. Changed my mind.
Maybe I went to dark over all. But I am surprisingly, completely happy with this. Some areas of the background look slightly grey , it is the paper texture. But I can live with that. Haha.
Lesson from the universe. If you are not sure, walk away. Come back later and play. 🙂
It may have taken some time and extra work but the end result was worth it. This is super Sheila with some great blending.
Thanks so much Val. That means a lot coming from a master of watercolor. 🙂 Have fun today! We are almost there. 🙂
Calling out to me: the juxtaposition of the symmetry of the indigo and the assymetry of the succulent greens; the up-close-and-personal set against the immeasurably vast; the surreal surprise of ocean water captured in the indigo. Well done, Sheila!
Well said Dotty. As always my friend, your description helps me to see my art better. Haha. 🙂 Thank you, Dotty 🙂
What a wonderfully creative month you have had, Sheila, and inspired in others. Your ability to render form in watercolor is just beautiful. I love the variations in the cactus and the indigo, well, that’s just a soothing pool for the eyes.
Soothing pool for the eyes. I love that, Laurelle. Thank you 🙂 A lot of luck with this one. I do love the textures. 🙂
I’m simply awestruck.
Wowzers, thank you Sea! 🙂