Day 4 & 5 of the 30-Day Creative Gathering

Day 4, Acrylic on 6 x 6 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 4, Acrylic on 6 x 6 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Late-night color studies for the large canvas on my wall. Well. the large canvas that is sitting on my floor waiting to be painted. I have already decided that I need muted tones in that area. The corner is dark though, so maybe a lighter canvas would be nice.

Day 4 Reversed, Acrylic on 6 x 6 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 4 Reversed, Acrylic on 6 x 6 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

I used a palette knife and the inexpensive Hobby Lobby Master’s Touch watercolor paper. As I rotated the surface around, I noticed it could work either way.

When I had finished, I wasn’t sure about the linear marks I had made. Didn’t quite work. So I took some cough drop wrappers that were on my desk and used them to move the paint around. Haha.

Day 4 Before
Day 4 Before

Next, I tried the opposite, more mid-tones, and less of the light. I tried to form hills with the knife. I need practice. 🙂 I like how the paper texture shows up here and there.

Day 5, Acrylic on 6 x 6 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Day 5, Acrylic on 6 x 6 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Color is a power that directly influences the soul.
Wassily Kandinsky
Russian painter, and art theorist.

What a deep and mysterious language,
the language of dreams.
Paul Gauguin French Post-Impressionist Painter

12 thoughts on “Day 4 & 5 of the 30-Day Creative Gathering

  1. lanagordonrast

    Day 4 Reversed, Acrylic on 6 x 6 Paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado. Is breath takingly beautiful. Having the lighter color on the top 2/3 balances it out perfect. A masterpiece for sure. Lana

    1. Sheila Post author

      WOW! Thanks so much, Lana. 🙂 I tend to paint the opposite, large landmass. Not sure why. LOl. 🙂
      Thanks so much for your impression. Stay safe and warm and CrEaTiVe! 🙂

  2. paintamasterpiece

    Personally the colour combination doesn’t work for me but I see you’re working with maple flooring, which is tricky. My last reno was maple and I went with white and yellow/green, which received a lot of compliments.
    Thinking of these colours, the complimentary of gold is in the purple range, or the complimentary of teal is in the red/orange range, so I would choose my favourite and adapt the colour I least like in that direction. However if you want subtle I would try a combination that was sideways on the colour wheel rather than across. Teal and gold are both strong colours and I read somewhere that only one should be dominant if you are going for muted. I would like to see how gold with pastel sunset colours would look in the space or even gentle mixes of yellows and ditch the teal.
    I’m currently playing with using gold and black with my 30’s Old Hollywood decor and that would be the way I would go, but it would be WOW rather than ahhh. Maybe gold with a very dark teal would be more subtle if you still like those two colours. Wish I was there for a fun paint session.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Sorry, Sea… that is just my desktop. The wall it is going on is a soft taupe-beige. Well, maybe it is just a light beige. Neutral.
      I was thinking just a hint of the yellow, it’s in my bedding. But I have decided to keep it to two or three colors. A light, and then two shades of the same color, such as the blues. I could do the ochre. it actually reads as the same value as the wall. Remember, I had the canvas painted that color before, just to cover up the previous layers. LOL. And I liked it, the color. It was not jarring.
      Giving me things to consider Sea, thanks for that!
      Yours would be WOW. I look forward to seeing them. 🙂
      That would be fun Sea. One of these days!
      Happy creating!

  3. Dave

    The quote about colors is so true. I was thunderstruck by the ocean blue off Maui while on a short tourist trip. It was almost spiritual.

    1. Sheila Post author

      I believe it Dave! Hawaii is such a gorgeous place. All of it. I would love to live there for a year, and just visit every nook and cranny. LOL 🙂
      The different colors of the sand, the variety of greens. And yes, the ocean blues!! 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      Haha, thank you, Cindy. I need to work in more practice. I’d like to master it one day. But it is never my first choice. ;o( Haha.

  4. Val van der Poel

    Good idea to experiment like this Sheila. I gotta say that I like the reverse of Day 4 best with the lighter, bigger tone at the top. I also like the textured look of the top and wonder if some of that patchiness would work on the bottom section as well. I think something like this would definitely light up a dark corner.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thanks for that input, Val. 🙂 I had started with a darker shade, and ran out, so I added cream to it. I do like the colors playing off of each other. There is already some texture on the canvas, from previous layers of paint. That will catch the paint in different areas. 🙂

  5. Dotty Seiter

    Cough drop wrappers—SO my own experience lately! I dive in, and then grab whatEVER is to hand when I find myself other than where expected. Thank you again for sharing process. I love this insider’s view of the studies you’re doing for a large canvas, Sheila.


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