Coming Around Again

Sunset Pink. 1.27.21, SMD
Sunset Pink. 1.27.21, SMD

I am laughing at myself. I got all excited about the snow. Little did I know a blizzard was on the way. The beautiful scene above is from two days after the storm. It may not have been a blizzard officially, but we were asked to stay off the roads for about 24 hours. We had a good solid day of heavy, blowing snow. It was AWESOME!

Blustery, blowing and snowing. 1.25.21.

My window was covered in a layer of ice.

Veil of White. 1.25.21, SMD.
Veil of White. 1.25.21, SMD.
Powder Coated. 1.25.21, SMD.
Powder Coated. 1.25.21, SMD.

I’m sure this is the most snow we have had in the 5 years we have lived here. Scottsdale and Phoenix even had a dusting! Wowzers! By the second day, roads were dry and clear in our area.

Drift Away. 1.26.21, SMD.
Drift Away. 1.26.21, SMD.
Two of a Kind. 1.26.21, SMD.
Two of a Kind. 1.26.21, SMD.
Clouds lifting, 1/26/21, SMD.
Clouds lifting, 1/26/21, SMD.
Clouds rolling in 1.29.21, SMD
Clouds rolling in 1.29.21, SMD

We had more snow today, briefly. Then the sun came out and the cleared a bit. There was a roll of clouds hovering over Mingus. Then it spread out and moved forward, closer to us. I looked again, and it had collapsed, and was in the original hovering position.

Orange light, 1. 29. 21, SMD.
Orange light, 1. 29. 21, SMD.

I increased the vibrancy on this photo, but the clouds really were blindingly orange. It has been a BeAuTiFuL week in Arizona! Amen!

Silently, like thoughts that come and go,
the snowflakes fall, each one a gem.
William Hamilton Gibson

12 thoughts on “Coming Around Again

  1. paintamasterpiece

    I love getting your posts. This one exudes joy. We seem to get the same storms, even though you are several thousand miles south. I miss my trips to Arizona, which I did many years in February. I will definitely visit when this mess is over.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Small world Sea! Haha. 🙂 When this mess is over, I have a few road trips in mind too. LOL. 🙂 What areas do you visit in Az?

  2. Dotty Seiter

    Sheila! S – N – O – W ! Thank you for sharing the magnificence and stunning beauty of your neck of the woods.

    1. Sheila Post author

      We have had many of those pinkish, baby blue skies, each time I think that as well, Laurelle! A gradient wash. Stay safe,, hugs! xoxox

  3. Val van der Poel

    Super photos Sheila and,yes, the snow is beautiful especially when it is fresh. How strange that you are getting so much this year in Arizona.

    1. Sheila Post author

      If we only get a big storm every five years, that’s not bad. LOL. I know that folks who have heavy snow every year, all winter long are probably not as excited as we are. LOL. We need the water, that is for sure, Val. 🙂


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