I intended to do a BIG, colorful bouquet of mixed flowers. Pink and greens and white and yellow. Flowers filling the page and flowing off of it. But then I started laying down petals with a dagger brush… and I let go of the plan. These spiky, delicate blooms were just too pretty to cover up. Or maybe I just had too much time invested. LOl. 🙂
There is more detail in the centers than shows up here. A rusty, loose base with indigo “seeds”. This is looking much too flat to me. I may go back in and add texture to the background, and deepen the indigo table.
Tomorrow I will share a collage of all 30 pieces I created this month. I will also share a collection of art created by all of the participants in this month’s creative challenge.
I hope you will stay tuned!
You know I LOVE this one!!!
Haha, Thank you Chandra! That’s so awesome. 🙂 I might have to make it a postcard. 😉
Yay! LOL!
Haha, Thanks, my friend 🙂
A bright splash of pure joy! TA DA!
30 days, Sheila. 30 days! My hat is off to you : )
Haha! Thanks so much for all the trouble you went thru to comment Dotty! I’m blessed! 🙂
This is sweet Sheila and a nice finish to the month – so bright and cheerful
Aww, thanks Val. So glad you like it. You had an AWESOME month! 🙂