Grey Skies Are Gonna Clear Up!

Painter's Sky over Mingus. SMD 2020
Painter’s Sky over Mingus. SMD 2020

I’ve been so busy finishing up small projects. A few large ones too. I finally cleared off my desk! Whew! Just in time for the September 30-DAY CREATIVE GATHERING!

Holy Moly! September already!!?

And I am sorry to say, that again this year, I have done very little painting since the February challenge. Where has the time gone??? Haha.

Today I am sharing a photo of the frame I started months ago. It is done, but I think I might try it again with a DecoArt Metallic Lustre. What do you think?

Painting Gift from Sea Dean.
Painting Gift from Sea Dean.
Frame close-up
Frame close-up

Before, the frame was a worn black, with a red underpainting. It was battered and dinged. I sanded it in spots and painted it a light silver. I then added black brush strokes (fan brush) and small spattering. I finished with an “aging”, a thinned layer of brown, and a sealer. I don’t like gold frames, weird I know. But the silver alone was too cold. I had to warm it up a bit.

I apologize for the poor photo. I am so happy to finally have a frame on this gift from Sea Dean! (It may have been a contest win.) This was an “Oops” frame from Hobby Lobby. 8 x 10. Marked at $24, then red-tagged at just over $6. But it would be well over $50 if it was custom ordered. SCORE!

Frame beginning
Frame beginning
Layer of Light
Layer of Light

The frame was the first project I started, and it was the last I finished. Haha. It was soon buried under piles of to-dos. After I had the silver on, I was afraid to ruin it. So silly. DUH! It’s only paint, and I can always start over. Right?

This next paint project was a quickie. I found a tray online, the description said, “beach wood”, worn and weathered. Well, mine arrived and it was dark and dingy grey. Depressing and sad. Haha.

What I really wanted was a woven basket type tray. But those are outrageously expensive. Naturally. My budget-friendly solution was to add a warm and “sunny” finish. I had to sand a few spots, but otherwise, the surface was flat and even. I used an old gift card to apply the paint. I poured the paint directly on the tray.

Awesome happy accident! The wood grain remained visible under the multiple layers of paint. I think five layers. I wanted it to look like it had been painted many times over the years.

Wood Tray
Wood Tray
Tray in use.
Tray in use.

We are in our Monsoon season. It runs from the middle of June until the end of September. So far, it is a figment. Fragment. We have only had very short spurts, of … sprinkles. Haha. For the last few days it has been dark and dreary. And dry.

Still, the sky puts on a good show.

Shades of White. SMD 2020
Shades of White. SMD 2020
Black and Blue. SMD 2020
Black and Blue. SMD 2020
Pink Light. SMD 2020
Pink Light. SMD 2020

I have started my first painting for the September Gathering. The last project on my to-do list. It is a 36-inch square canvas. The one that has been on my wall for four years unfinished. Haha. Tune in next week…


Paint is only wasted when it stays in the tube.

Hope you are all staying safe, and well.
Safe from fires and floods… and upheaval.

20 thoughts on “Grey Skies Are Gonna Clear Up!

  1. Chandra Lynn

    Love all your doings. Do what you can to take care of you. I wish I could join you this month. The best I can do is create a doodle every day in my journal. Life took a turn for busier. Hugs, friend!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Chandra, I will. 😉 Doodle for YOU! You are always welcome to visit, and view 🙂 In the group. Stay well friend, and try to sneak in a few minutes of creating each day, just for your benefit. xoxox

        1. Sheila Post author

          Uggh! So sorry Chandra. ;o(
          Hey, that’s an idea for my creative block… a doodle in my sketch book. Hmmm….

    1. Sheila Post author

      Hi Lana! How have you been? Busy I am sure.
      So glad you like the frame and enjoyed the post. 🙂
      Take good care, happy designing to you!!

  2. paintamasterpiece

    A lovely post. It reminded me how much I’ve missed reading them. I love the painters sky image. I think its a couple of months since I posted as well. Too busy making masks and helping friends. I cant see me joining in September, but ya never know. I have finally cut through some of the Covid brain fog and come up with a cool project.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Ooouuu! Sounds like fun Sea, your project. Good for you.
      Can’t wait to see it. We’ll miss you in the gathering, and my fingers will be crossed just the same… 🙂

  3. laurelle cidoncha

    So good to see a blog post from you. It’s a sign of normalcy for me. Love what you did with both the tray and the frame. Sea’s painting is beautiful, very Monet-ish. Looking forward to seeing what you are painting. Yes, grey skies are clearing….sending you a big hug!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Laurelle, so nice to have you visit! 🙂
      Sea has done several versions of that, I love it too.
      Hugs my friend, and happy creating to you!!

  4. carolee36

    So glad to see you back blogging! Yes, the summer has almost gone and September is lurking just around the corner. Wow, you certainly did a great job on that frame! Your skies are amazing. Hope to join in Sept challenge. Taking a one day webinar lesson on the 4th with Stan Kurth. Brachot!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you, Carol. It is nice to be back. I never meant to be so quiet, for so long.
      I am sure you will have a blast in your lesson. I love that you always share what you are learning with us. Even when you think you have been unsuccessful. 🙂 So excited you are thinking of joining us! YAY!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Awesome Christiane 🙂 I know everyone would love to see you there. Fingers crossed, but I know you are long overdue for a rest.

    1. Sheila Post author

      How did I know you would like the photos, Kat? Haha. Thanks Kat 🙂
      For both, I used craft paint. The metallic I believe was DecoArt Dazzling Metallics. But each brand has a selection of metallics. The frame did not have a glossy finish, it took the paint well. The tray had no finish at all. The wood was stained I think but there was no sealer. 🙂

  5. Val van der Poel

    It looks like you have accomplished a fair bit even if you haven’t painted any pictures. Nice job on the frame. Although I am not fond of ornate frames , this one looks quite good from the photos. You will have to paint a couple of the sky photos – very cool. . It is hard to belive we have less than a week til Sept – I have to get my butt in gear – lol

    1. Sheila Post author

      I don’t often like ornate frames either Val. This one is more on the “simplified” side. Less detail. You are reading my mind, those skies look like they would be fun to paint. 😉 So excited we will be seeing you in the gathering, Val! YAY! 😉


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