Swagger And Stride

Rooster, 10 x 10 Acrylic on canvas. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.
Rooster, 10 x 10 Acrylic on canvas. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.

This Rooster was commissioned by my good friend for her new home. I put it off for months. Feeling like I had no idea how to paint a rooster. That feeling was with me every step of the way. And when I was ready for the final feather details, the fear really kicked in. Haha. But then I thought, “Dude, you can always paint over it!”

So, here it is done. And I am laughing at myself because it was not as hard as I thought. But I won’t be telling my friend that. She’ll have me painting roosters from now until Christmas. Haha. Well, there are a lot of cool roosters out there. 😉

First Fowl Layers.
First Fowl Layers.

It was exciting to see him “plump up” as I added the mid-tones. Yay! I felt like I had the neck and tail too dark, while I was working. Now I think they might be too light. I am happy though with the overall look.

I feel like I could work more on the tail. It could be better. Most of the shapes in the reference photo are subtle. There are two tail feather areas I wish I had done better. I wanted to keep the large top feather more white than it appears in the reference photo.

Reference Photo
Reference Photo

Roosters make me think of fancy victorian ladies in their big poofy dresses.
Hey, if ya’ got it, flaunt it! Haha.

This Brewster is signed, sealed, and ready to ship to a very excited Naomi. Whew! She loves it. Thanks, everyone for following along. I appreciate your encouraging words 🙂 God bless!

“Gratitude turns what we have
into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance,
chaos into order,
confusion into clarity…
it makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today,
and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
Melody Beattie

14 thoughts on “Swagger And Stride

  1. Janie Delgado

    Hi Babe. I certainly enjoyed visiting your studio and looking at your artwork this morning. That rooster is so well done! It’s beautiful. I completely agree with you in that they remind me of proud Victorian women, showing off their poofy dresses. So lovely. 💙

    1. Sheila Post author

      Hi Aunt Janie! So nice to see you here! So glad you enjoyed your visit. 😉 Thrilled that you like the rooster. 🙂 Stay safe!

  2. dotty seiter

    SHEILA! I am starstruck by YOUR swagger and stride! And your courage in takin on a commission. The textural and pattern work you did before Brewster ever set foot on the canvas is BRILLIANT. Lucky Naomi!

  3. Val van der Poel

    Wow – what a great job! This is so different from what you normally do but you really nailed it. I gotta say though that it is a shame it is not bigger – he would surely pop on a 16 x 20 canvas. Great job Sheila

    1. Sheila Post author

      Haha! 🙂 WOW! He would at that Val!! This was a reclaimed canvas, and I thought it was HUGE when I started. But now, I feel like I could go bigger and not be overwhelmed. Thanks Val! 🙂

  4. laurelle cidoncha

    Oh, Sheila, you did terrific. Of course Naomi will be pleased. I loved when you called it “first fowl layers.” You are a hoot! You tackled it and succeeded with flying colors. I think starting it with that great textured underlayer really got you going in the right direction, and everything else is perfect. Great palette, subtle yet decorative. Well done! Kudos!!!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Haha, glad you liked that Laurelle! Haha 🙂 I am so happy with how the background turned out. And I knew that is how she would want it. On the subtle side. Thanks so much for your generous appraisal!

  5. Nelvia

    Well Missy, have Miss Doubt step up – shut your mouth!!!! You did it and did it so well. It was fun to watch someone else struggle as they worked through things. But then miraculous, and because you have lots of skill, it came together. So glad you kept at it!!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Haha, thanks for that Nelvia! Miracle is right! Thanks so much for following along my friend 🙂


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