Pink and Purple Prickly Pear

Purple Prickly Pear, 4 x 4 gouache on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.
Purple Prickly Pear, 4 x 4 gouache on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.

It looks like a stack of Easter eggs to me. Messy experimental cacti. I thought it might be good for a laugh. I used leftover gouache. I added one color at a time and thought I could go back and blend. But they did not want to cooperate. The few areas where blending occurred, started to get muddy. Next time I will use multiple brushes and blend while the paint is wet.

I found calm in the process. Fun in seeing the vibrant colors.

I had an appointment today, and I was able to see the trees filled with pink and white blooms. So pretty. I was behind a semi in town, and he bumped against some of them, made it rain pretty white petals.

It has remained cold. So there is still snow on the mountain. Today it was glowing brightly in the sunlight.

A few of my favorite things for today.

Mingus 3.19.20, SMD
Mingus 3.19.20, SMD

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you wellness!

12 thoughts on “Pink and Purple Prickly Pear

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you, Teresa. 🙂 Haha. You too! Stay safe, be extra careful. Wishing you, and yours good health and wellness. 🙂

  1. paintamasterpiece

    I’m amazed you still have snow. How high is Mingus? Most of our visible peaks are clear, but I’m going for a drive on Monday to photograph one that may not be and is usually glorious in spring. Stay home, stay safe.

    1. Sheila Post author

      I am too Sea! 7,815 feet. WOW! I didn’t know that. There is still snow on several ranges around here. But it is supposed to warm up next week. I’m enjoying the view while it lasts. 🙂
      Looking forward to seeing your photos! Have a safe and fun drive, sounds like fun!

  2. laurelle

    As usual you lifted my spirits. After meditation and a few stretches every morning I make my coffee and open email; so it starts the day. And seeing your post (and not laughing at your Easter egg cactus) and marvelling how you observed the truck hit the flowering tree and seeing them shower the road, I have a smile in my soul and will embrace this lovely first day of Spring full of hope that this will be a temporary situation in the world and we will all come out it hopefully wiser and more compassionate. Stay inside, Sheila, and everyone. Stay well and strong! Un abrazo a todos!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Laurelle. 🙂
      YES! Hugs and wishes for everyone! Such lovely thoughts Laurelle. It would be so wonderful if that were to happen. If we become and remain wiser, more compassionate.
      Abrazos para ti y los tuyos, Dios te bendiga y te mantenga a salvo! 🙂

  3. Christine Brooks

    Beautiful. I see the easter eggs, but the cactus is perfect. What fun.
    Glad to see you back to painting.
    Stay safe


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