Day 23, Prickly Pear cactus. Flubbed this one big time. Ruined the sky. Tried to fix it and lost my cloud shapes. Ended up with blue clouds. Haha. Flubbed the sand. This is sand after a windstorm. Twigs and debris everywhere. Haha. I picked that up from the stormy, weird weather shows I had on. Flubbed the cacti. It just wasn’t working last night. So I gave up. Walked away defeated. Haha. I lost some of my pencil lines and had to fake it.
I came back this morning, surprise! It’s not as awful as I thought. Not quite.
Maybe it is just a sign. My mojo has left the building. I pushed through last night. But today, when I had a handful of pads to finish and ALL those spines… it was like dragging a five-year-old to the dentist. So I am calling it done. Calling it won.
Rain, rain, come our way…
Yesterday was cloudy and mucky, and wonderful. Mostly light drizzle, but for a few minutes, we had hail (tiny). The storm came from the south. At one point, I looked out and it seemed as if Mingus had been chopped to pieces.
Afterward, it cleared. Sunny and bright. Then the sky turned a weird shade of yellow. Mingus vanished in a misty sort of fog. A solid wall. That’s when the rainbow appeared.

Today is partly cloudy, and teasing rain. Mingus had snow overnight!
Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
Langston Hughes
Rain hangs about the place, like a friendly ghost.
If it’s not coming down in delicate droplets, then it’s in buckets;
and if neither, it tends to lurk suspiciously in the atmosphere.
Barbara Acton-Bond
Love, love, love! How could I not with all that lovely purple!
PuRpLe!! Haha. So glad you enjoyed it Chandra, thank you! 🙂
Oooh the photos are now loading! And your cacti are just SO pretty! And on my birthday even! 😇 LOL
Hope you got the ecard Kat, and I hope you had an awesome day 🙂 Glad the photos loaded.
(I have to approve the comments before they show on the post. All of yours came thru. :))
God Bless Kat 🙂
I LOVE the pastel cacti! I am sad to report that my mojo hasn’t just left the building; it has left town!
Also, none of the photos loaded for me. Bleh 😝
Haha! Yeah, I get that all too well Kat, 🙂 Hope it returns soon 🙂 Bummer about the photos. I can send them to you if you’d like 🙂 God Bless!
I love the colors and composition. None of what we paint or draw is real anyways. Maybe you go with “some days when the clouds are high and thin, the blue shows through”. For me, I’m all about the cactus and the sky is kind of backdrop I’m not bothered with?
Thanks Dave. :)I am happy with it now, but at the time, LOL I thought it was Flubbed. Always help to step away and see it with fresh eyes. It also helps to hear how others view it. 😉 Happy blogging Dave!
I have to agree, Dave! I had to go back and look at the sky after reading what Sheila said. I didn’t really see a problem even when I did!
Thank you Kat. I appreciate that 🙂
I think you are your own worst critic Sheila. This painting is super: I like the sky and the ground (doesn’t have to be sand) although I can see where adding the spines was a bit boring. Buck up girl – only 7 more days until we are done!
The spines are the hardest part, and I am always afraid I will ruin the piece if I make a mistake. But I have learned to just go with it because no two are the same anyhow. 🙂 LOL 🙂 I am resting this afternoon, LOL 🙂 Funny that I felt it yesterday, at the end of the 3rd week, instead of the beginning. Have fun creating my friend!
I left FB so that I could write here about this and I read your comments and I am aghast. Sheila, this is fantastic. The colors and composition of the prickly pears even on a stark white canvas would have been fabulous, but added with the gorgeous (YES, gorgeous) vivid sky and the very unusual and creative ground, it really is wonderful and unique art. No one is doing this, Sheila. You were very smart to choose this theme and stay with it of the cactus and succulents. It makes for an amazing collection. I, myself, have learned more about these little plants that I’ve seen all my life without really knowing anything about them. I’m looking at them in different ways after this month. What a way to start your creative 2020!
WOWzers! Thank you Laurelle 🙂 Yup, a reminder to not give up 🙂 Haha. Thank you SO MUCH for showing it to me through your eyes 🙂
I am so in love with your bouquet! It is another masterpiece! Have fun my friend!
These spiny little cacti delight me in their color and implied succulence—I feel like I’m at the candy counter at the movies, selecting Jujubes as my treat!
Haha, I love that Dotty 🙂 Thank you 🙂